Lately I’ve been…
reading The 15 Invaluable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. Also finished Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin. Both are fantastic and I would recommend!
writing Christmas card city! Pretty much did them all weekend long. Whew!
listening To…what else? Christmas music! Pumping the Christmas jams all month long.
thinking About the fact that I haven’t started ANY shopping yet…
smelling Still rockin’ a Pumpkin Spice Yankee Candle, and loving it.
watching Watched Love Actually and The Family Stone while doing cards over the weekend. Need to get my hands on Elf and Home Alone!
wearing Sweats, sweats, and more sweats. It’s getting cold! Though, I am going out tonight! Whoo mama’s going out on a Monday! (this is kind of a big deal haha), so I will be putting on real clothes (and a hat, scarf, and gloves, bc whoa, snow on the ground.)
exercising Finished the 3 Week Yoga Retreat last month, and I’m one week in to Core de Force. I’m OBSESSED!!! The workout times are a little longer than I’m used to. I’ve been spoiled with 30 min…but these kickboxing, Muay Thai based workouts are SOOOO kick ass. I’m in love. And they are working that core!
feeling Strong, excited, cold, busy. Lots of random feelings.
wanting To go see the Christmas Lights in Dyker Heights. They are simply MAGICAL.
needing To clean my house. I’ve been good about tidying, but ugh, it really needs a good clean. It’s on the must-do list before we travel for the holidays.
loving All of the snuggles from my boys lately.
wishing That the preschool application process in NYC wasn’t feeling as difficult as applying to college. And that all the Catholic Schools weren’t shutting down. Holy moly.
hoping That we can find some great schools, and get into our top choices. We won’t know until the spring though.
craving Chocolate.
clicking Well what I need to be clicking on are website for Christmas shopping, but at this rate, I won’t make the shipping, so I better hit the stores!
ANNOUNCING!!!! – Starting this week for the rest of December, I will be doing a HOLIDAY Giveaway series on my Instagram Page!!!! I will be partnering with some amazing brands and giving away some FANTASTIC things this month, so STAY TUNED!!! My first giveaway will take place THIS Wednesday!!! Trust me, it’s going to be awesome, and you will want to win!!!
What have you been up to lately?