Lately I’ve been…
reading Finished reading Fly Away by Kristin Hannah. If you’ve read the prequel Firefly Lane, you will definitely enjoy this book. I always enjoy a good Kristin Hannah book. I am now reading Khaled Hosseini’s newest novel, And the Mountains Echoed. I was a huge fan of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, so naturally I had to read this book. So far there are a LOT of character introductions, and I’m hoping that somehow they will all end up stringing together and making sense eventually. So far it’s interesting…I think I’m just waiting for the connection and the point of the whole story. I’m confident that it will come, but will let you know how I end up liking it.
writing E-mails catching up with friends.
listening Really liking Lana del Ray’s Summertime Sadness. The original is beautiful, but I love the Cedric Gervais remix of course. I don’t really have summertime sadness myself…quite the opposite actually, but for some reason, I just dig this song.
thinking That they must have been working on the apartment above my office for about the past 5 years. Seriously…will they ever be done???
smelling And also tasting, this delicious Aloha Banana smoothie I’m consuming. Fruit-a-holic.
watching Saw an episode of the Kardashians (yes, I’m guilty) last night where Kim is in severe pain during her pregnancy. I think this all goes to show pregnancy never happens the way you plan, and you have to be prepared for all kinds of challenges. I have had my fair share, but very thankful to be feeling good right now!
wishing That I could see into my belly to see what my little man looks like. Weird? Maybe, but I think it’s weirder to feel and see kicks and movements inside me all day without actually being able to see who’s in there doing it!
hoping For my Uncle to come home from the hospital soon. His surgery went very well, and we are so grateful. Hoping that he will have a good recovery. He is a tough cookie!
wearing Floral pants from Motherhood (super sale right now!), Mint Poly button down from Express, Sparkly Flats from Nordstrom Rack, Sunnies from Francesca’s, Michael Kors watch, and my Henri Bendel Bracelet.
loving The fact that we are having a family reunion this Saturday with my Dad’s side for the first time in probably at least 15 years. So excited to see all of my cousins and extended family. It’s been way too long!
laughing At the fact that I got pooped on by a bird yesterday…yes I can only laugh because it did not get on my head or my clothing, and it was easy to clean off. Thank goodness, because I had a meeting 15 minutes later…
wanting Coffee. Been getting a bit more sleepy again as I am now in the third trimester of my pregnancy. And the smell of it, just makes me want it more! Been trying to stay away from coffee though most of the time (except for my weekend treats). Hence, the vitamin packed smoothies to wake me up!
needing A back massage. Thinking of making an appointment to get a prenatal massage soon to ease the aches and pains of the third tri.
feeling Hormonal. One minute, I’m super happy. The next minute, I’m crying. And I am not usually a crier. I feel like my mood can change with the flick of a light switch lately.
craving Ice cream. But that’s really nothing new…I heart ice cream. Especially in the summertime.
clicking Catching up on all my favorite blogs and discovering some new ones as well.
What have you been up to lately?
Happy Hump Day!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.