March 10, 2012
I am the type of person who is easily bored with my hairstyle. I have had many different styles over the years including long, short, angles, layers, bob, bangs, side bangs, etc. I have also had the unfortunate pleasure of experimenting with dyes in my college years, testing out blonde, auburn, and black hues. Post college, my locks have thankfully remained their au natural brunette, but because the color no longer changes (I’m going to kick myself for saying this when I start going grey), I am constantly on the prowl for a new way to change my mane.
One style I have not had the courage to rock until this past Saturday is the “super short” look. Not quite going for pixie, but pretty much gone. I had fantasized about it for years, wondering what it would look like. Do I have the right face shape? Will I look like a 12 year old boy? Will people think I’m a lesbian? Will it grow out into a horrible mullet? A million thoughts ran through my head…
So why do it, you ask? Well, if I don’t do it, I’ll never know right? So I went for it. Before anyone could call it a “mom-chop” and before I’m an old lady, I decided I had to see once and for all what this would be like.
Over a foot of hair chopped off and donated to Locks of Love later, I am now the “short-haired girl.” Because of my side swooping bangs, I still feel like I have hair on my head, but a glance in the mirror still catches me off guard every time! I’m not quite used to it yet, but I’m excited to play with it and see what different short haired styles I can rock! Thank you to my stylist Nikki for all your help in accomplishing this bucket list item! 🙂


Video: The Big Chop
*Side note: In the video, I call this #99, but it’s really #98…apparently, I can’t keep my numbers straight….