He’s funny. He’s sweet. He’s loud. He’s crazy.
He’s friendly. He’s fun. He’s handsome. Never lazy.
He’s strong. He’s affectionate. He’s lovable. He’s grand.
He’s Italian. He’s an entrepreneur. Always willing to lend a hand.
He golfs. He skis. He dances. He plays.
He smiles. He whistles. He works hard for days.
He cries during movies. He smokes cigars.
He builds lots of things. He has lots of cars.
He makes pizza and wine. He loves to play bocce.
He built his own motorcycle. He loves the movie Rocky.
He also likes the Godfather. And Scarface too.
He quotes movie lines. Probably better than you.
He’s a good friend. He’s a good husband. He’s a good father. He’s a good lad.
This man that I speak of…
He is my Dad.
Happy Birthday Pops. Love you!

I apologize that I am a day late on this post! I originally meant to post this on my Dad’s actual Birthday which was yesterday, but I was on the hunt for some of those older photos. Alas, here they are. Hope you enjoyed following me on my trip down memory lane. 🙂
Happy Wednesday!