Lately I’ve been…
reading Just finished The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg which I strongly recommend to everyone. Currently reading The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown. It’s decent so far.
writing A birthday card for a special someone.
listening I’ve got a Mumford & Sons station on Pandora at the moment. Fun tunes from Passion Pit, Cold War Kids, MGMT and the likes.
thinking About the fact that Tissycole and Lisa are coming to visit tomorrow!!! Super excited!
smelling The rain. Is it weird that I could smell it before it even started coming down?
watching The always fabulous Rachel Zoe Project. Dying over the fashion weekly. Also just started watching the Real World Portland. Yes, I still watch the Real World.
wishing For sunshine. We were so spoiled at the beginning of the week with warm temperatures, and I’m wishing for them back this weekend!
hoping That the laundry will do itself. No? Not possible? Oh well, I tried.
wearing My “Amaze” sweater from ASOS (now on sale!) with an Old Navy poly button-down underneath. Black skinny jeans from Motherhood. Leopard print rain boots similar to these. Red Haute lip from Lancome.
loving I never realized how much you can love someone you have never even met. So excited for my baby boy to get here in September, and so in love already.
laughing At the fact I actually tried to straighten my hair this morning. The hair in the photo above lasted all of 2 minutes as I stepped out into the wind and rain this morning. You know those days where your umbrella decides to flip itself out over and over again? Did wonders for my hair today.
wanting To finish the friendship bracelet I started making over a month ago. My 4th grade skills just aren’t where they used to be…
needing To paint my nails tonight. They are in dire need of some Essie love.
feeling Excited for the girls to get here this weekend! Can’t wait for a weekend of shopping, photographing and girl talk.
craving Strangely enough, I am not getting any weird pregnancy cravings. I mean, I want ice cream…but I always want ice cream. Nothing new. I haven’t started liking condiments, so I think my appetite is relatively the same.
clicking Through fashion blogs of expecting mamas. Trying to figure out some tricks to looking chic while prego.
What have you been up to lately?
Happy Friday!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.