Lately I’ve been…
reading Finished reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed, about a woman who finds herself while hiking the Pacific Coast Trail. Sort of an Eat, Pray, Love in the wilderness if you will. I would definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys the outdoors. I am now starting Bossypants by Tina Fey, and hoping for a laugh.
writing Other than blog posts, I haven’t been writing much of anything else lately…
listening Violin and Dubstep? Who knew this combo could work. Check out Lindsey Stirling’s Crystallize. She’s mad talented.
thinking That I am extremely grateful to my husband and neighbor for installing our A/C window units this week. It’s 90 degrees here today!
smelling Yankee Candle’s Summer Scoop. A candle that smells like my favorite dessert? Yes please!
watching Well, I got dragged into a “Bachelorette Draft” this past weekend. Yes, it’s like fantasy football, but with Des and a bunch of hot guys. I really had no interest in this show whatsoever, but after investing time into making draft picks for a friend that couldn’t make the event…I am now finding myself wanting to know how this whole thing is going to pan out. Go Juan Pablo!
wishing Everyone a Happy Last Day of May! Can’t believe it’s going to be June tomorrow.
hoping For a fun-filled weekend with friends in the Big Apple.
wearing A dress that I found at Nordstrom Rack a couple years ago along with red, strappy Sam Edelman sandals.
loving This strawberry, banana, pineapple smoothie I’m consuming right now.
laughing At what happened when Vine tried to make a commercial for Vine. See over at FunnyorDie.com
wanting To meet my new little cousin, Noelle Raelyn, who was born yesterday! Congrats to her Mama and Papa, my cousins Brittany and R.J.
needing To figure out what to wear to a costume party on Saturday…Disney princess or pregnant Britney Spears? Hmmm…
feeling My little one kicking up a storm in there all day long. It’s such a crazy and awesome feeling!
craving I had been craving a pedicure (since I can no longer reach my toes well enough to paint my own), and luckily this was fulfilled on Wednesday. I went with the new Essie 2013 Neon Collection’s DJ Play That Song. I can now proceed with open-toed shoes again.
clicking Researching pediatricians and birthing classes for the little one.
What have you been up to lately?
Happy Friday!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.