Lately I’ve been…
reading Still reading Book 5 in the Harry Potter series…I can’t seem to stop falling asleep on the subway lately, which is cutting into my reading time.
writing Been taking lots of notes in my photography class. Weird to be using a notebook and a pen again.
listening Of course the Maryland girl has to listen to a little country every now and then. This song is a bit of a morbid love ballad by The Band Perry, and I can’t get enough of it. Check out “Better Dig Two.”
thinking About my spiritual self. It seems this is the time of year that I tend to look inside my soul. Today is Ash Wednesday (if you didn’t already notice from the photo above), which is the start of the Lenten season. It makes me think about what I can do to be a better person, and what I can do to help others.
smelling Citrus tea that my boss has been brewing daily in the office.
watching Still on my “Race to the Oscars,” and I have seen all but two films now that have been nominated for Best Picture! I have to say, there has not been one that I have disliked so far. Last night was Lincoln to celebrate Lincoln’s Birthday. It was a fantastic film, and I have a feeling it just might take gold at the Oscar’s.
wishing My butt buddie, Erin, a speedy recovery as she is undergoing Lasik eye surgery today. Love you Munchkin!
hoping For warmer weather on the horizon. I’m pretty much done with cold and snow. Unfortunately, I do not think I am going to get my wish just yet…
wearing My “Hi” “Bye” heart sweater with leggings and combat boots.
loving The genius behind Oreo during the Super Bowl a couple weeks ago. Did anyone see that Twitter ad during the blackout? Pure genius.
laughing At my husband and neighbors this past weekend as they attempted to invent a live version of “Frogger” with this Makey Makey invention kit. Just picture a grown man with 4 children jumping up and down around the room Dance Dance Revolution style while listening to techno music.
wanting The doctors to come to a diagnosis for my Uncle, so he can start getting the treatment he probably needs. He has been at Hopkins for awhile now undergoing tons of tests. Love you Uncle Johnny.
needing Rest. It’s been a busy couple of weeks. While I love keeping myself busy most of the time, I am looking forward to a little downtime at some point.
feeling Optimistic. I will leave it at that.
craving This shade of MAC lipstick – Rebel – Did you know MAC recycles? If you return 6 empty MAC products, you can get a free lipstick! I think I just may…yay!
clicking I have been click click clicking away on my camera since I started my photography class a couple weeks ago. So far, I have already learned a lot, and I am looking forward to learning even more.
What have you been up to lately?
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.