Lately I’ve been…
reading The Girl on the Cliff by LucindaRiley. This book came on recommendation from a friend, and so far I am super captivated!
writing A packing list for our trip to the lake house in New Hampshire. We leave tomorrow, and I cannot wait!
listening Let me start off by saying I know this song is kind of terrible. But something about this song and my old club days makes me not hate it.
thinking Time is going so fast! Nico hit two milestones this past week. “Crawling” – or his version of it at least. He’s basically sliding all over the apartment (including underneath the table and chairs as seen above…we are in trouble), and I told the hubby we should at least strap a swiffer duster to his belly so the floors get cleaned at the same time. I kid, I kid. He also pulled himself up to a standing position all by himself on Monday. I was at work, and I missed it, which sucked, because as a mom you never want to miss those first moments. I am so happy for him and all of his latest accomplishments, but it’s starting to hit home that our little baby is getting bigger, and it’s impossible to go back in time to when he was tiny.
smelling Not much of anything, because I have been all stuffed up with sickness this past week. Meh.
watching The Bachelorette is back! Any early guesses of who will win?
wishing For clear skies in New Hampshire, so we can view all the pretty stars at night again this year.
hoping Along the same lines…for sunshine this weekend! The weather is looking a bit gloomy thus far. I know we will still have fun catching up with our friends, playing board games and watching movies, but if possible, I would prefer to be hiking and exploring!
wearing Casual today in Paige denim, black and white striped tank, Camo jacket, and New Balance tennis shoes
loving The fresh Hazelnut coffee we have been getting from Fairway. I’m not much of a coffee snob. I usually drink one cup a day, and the Keurig system works for us. I had never really thought much about the freshness of the K-Cups, but until you have had one of the new Fairway One Cups (which foregoes all the bottom plastic as well for the green folks out there), you haven’t had a good K-cup!
laughing At this woman who was just a LITTLE bit excited to be a grandmother.
wanting A recommendation for a new spring nail polish! Who has one?
needing A new bathing suit for summer, but dreading the shopping process this year. None of my old suits fit my current body, so it’s back to the drawing board. I have a couple ideas in mind in terms of styles, so hopefully I can find something that works.
feeling Still feeling pain and popping in my thumb a couple days after the Cortisone shot. Hoping it kicks in soon, or else I may need another injection and possibly surgery. Oy.
craving Fresh fruit. It’s almost summertime, which means all my favorite fruits will soon be in season!
clicking Around on the Father’s Day gift hunt…it will be here before we know it!
What have you been up to lately?
Hope you all have a great week!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.