WOW! I can’t believe 2017 is coming to a close. It’s been a year of personal growth, adventure, travel, family moments, and so much more. I learned a lot, and have come up with some exciting ideas to take with me into 2018. I plan to jump even more outside of my comfort zone this upcoming year, and see where the wind blows.
I want to thank each and every one of you this past year for supporting me on this journey…for reading this blog, for joining one of my health + fitness Challenge Groups, for commenting on a Facebook post, direct messaging me on Instagram, watching my IG Stories, giving me all of your advice and feedback on outfit choices or motherhood woes or workouts…or just telling me that you are inspired by a post or that you can relate. It truly means SO much to me. I started this blog and my brand really as a creative outlet a few years ago, but it’s turned into an incredible community which I am so grateful for. So THANK YOU for your continued support, and I hope you continue to take the journey with me in 2018!
Below is a look back at some of my favorite memories and experiences of 2017:
Zack and I finally went on a “Paint Night” Date and we loved it

I was obsessed with smoothie bowls:

I learned a ton about gut health + drank lots of kombucha (I did a LIVE @ 9 Episode on this which you can find on my Facebook page, but I promise to create a blog post on this for 2018 so it’s in written form):

Boys both fell in love with soccer just like their mama:

Helped hundreds of Challengers get on track with their nutrition with these amazing portion control containers:

Little sis got engaged and asked the entire fam to be in the wedding 🙂 :

Zack and I had a week-long road trip together to Asheville (thanks Mom + Dad!):

I was able to take the family on an all-expenses paid trip to Punta Cana with Beachbody as a reward trip for my work with the company. To say they had a blast would be an understatement:

I developed a passion for nut butters lol 😉

Hubby and I did the Ultimate Reset Challenge Plant Based Cleanse program and we learned so much about our bodies, our eating habits, and made many tweaks and changes to our habits going forward (again, I owe you all a full synopsis of this experience in blog post form…coming at you in 2018!):

Went to the Dave Matthews Concert with the fam:

Spent many summer days at the NY Beaches + riding the rides at Coney Island:

Took Nico on his first roller coaster ride at Hershey Park with the family:

Celebrated our 10 Year NYC Anniversary:

Went to Rhode Island with the hubs to watch one of my best friends walk down the aisle:

Went to NOLA for my 3rd Beachbody Summit with my amazing team. We continue to grow, and I love training each new person how to become a #boss and build businesses that give them happier, healthier, more fulfilled lives:

Completed multiple workout programs including Shift Shop, T25, Insanity Max 30, and 3 Week Yoga Retreat:

Celebrated my sister’s Bachelorette Weekend in VA Beach rooftop style:

Luca got his 1st haircut:

Nico turned 4 and Luca turned 2 with a Construction themed Birthday Party:

My challengers got amazing results with their fitness + nutrition:

We went on family vacation to Cape May:

and the OBX:

Nico started his first year of “real” school through the NYC DOE and is loving Pre-K. Luca started a 2’s playschool co-op, and it was a bit of a transition at first, but he seems to be enjoying it now:

We threw at Rainbow Sprinkle Themed Bridal Shower for my sister:

My little sis and her high school sweetheart finally tied the knot after 13 years:

Took the boys on their first-ever camping trip this fall with good friends:

Had an epic Halloween dressing up like The Wizard of Oz characters:

Did ALL the the holiday things to celebrate the season (and enjoyed my most favorite/stressful time of the year):

That is a WRAP. Wow. What.a.year.
It’s been a good one full of fantastic memories. Thanks again for your continued support of popcorn and pandas. I appreciate you all SO much. More than you know.
I wish all of you an incredible New Year!!! I cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store.