Leaves Fall Down







Floral Wrap Cardigan: Target / Embroidered Tank: Target / Denim: AG Jeans / Fringe Booties: Target (old) – similar / Beaded Bracelets: Guilty Jean / Gold Bangle: Gifted – Engraved with “Today my matron of honor, forever my best friend.”

Things you don’t have time for when you have two children…1) Styling your hair (I somehow managed a blow dry that day, but let me tell you it’s rare, and 2) Ironing your shirt. I have to admit, it didn’t even look wrinkled to me when I left that house, but these photos are proving otherwise! I would say that I am embarrassed, but at the same time the odds of me managing to actually iron it and get out the door for our Friendsgiving event would have been slim to none. So I’m just going to own my un-ironed, wrinkled shirt and chalk it up to motherhood.

Friendsgiving was fantastic with our old Manhattan crew who is slowly moving out of the city (sadface). We met in Jersey and Nico actually had a little playmate this year as our friends have a son as well and they were both old enough to interact this year (and also have extreme meltdowns in tandem…well played boys, well played.) We shared a lovely meal, some wine, games, and conversation as we caught up with each other on life. I think we are going to need to make it a habit to do things like this more often.

The following day was spent out on Staten Island celebrating a cousin’s after-wedding brunch. Congrats cousin!! Much of my close family including my parents and grandmother (who is celebrating a birthday today!) were in town so it was great to be able to see everyone on our turf this time. It was also a lot of fun to catch up with our Staten Island cousins and have them meet the kiddos.

This week is a busy one as we are leaving town next week, so grinding it out and getting things done!

Lastly, I would like to announce the WINNER of the Chalk It Up Giveaway! Drumroll please….ANGELA!

Yes, my very own sister. I promise I picked out of a hat!

CONGRATULATIONS little sis! Thanks for being a loyal reader of p + p and a lover of beautiful chalk designs. Kristyn will be reaching out to you to shortly.

A BIG thank you to everyone who participated!



Seneca Summer









Dress: Target / Sandals: Dolce Vita (sold out, but similar here) / Earrings: Stella & Dot (similar here) / Sunglasses: Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Baublebar / Lip: Revlon Hydrangea

As I mentioned yesterday, we spent the Fourth of July Weekend up at Seneca Lake with some close friends. I have more photos of our adventures to share later, but first I wanted to share the outfit I wore on our nice dinner out to Hazelnut Kitchen. It was about a 30 minute drive from our house, but totally worth it as it was completely delicious farm to table freshness and goodness. I would definitely recommend it if you are ever in the Ithaca area.

Today I am heading to the beach/aquarium with my little guy today. Trying to soak up as much one on one time as humanly possible with this little fellow before our family grows at the end of the summer and I’m trying to balance being a mama of two.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!



Easy Breezy









Tribal Palazzo Pants: Target (sold out, but similar here) / Tank: Old Navy / Sandals: Dolce Vita (sold out but similar here) / Sunnies: Vintage Kenneth Cole / Necklace: c/o Stella & Dot /Earrings: c/o Stella & Dot / Bracelets: Guilty Jean, Stella & Sparkle, Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip Gloss: Smashbox Savvy

Can you believe today marks 31 weeks of pregnancy! WOWZA!!! The 2nd half has been flying right by! I delivered at 38 weeks the first time around, so I am starting to get a little nervous about everything we have left to do before baby’s arrival? Now you might be thinking, what could they possibly have to do? They already have everything they need, and they are even having another boy! Well, trust me when you live in a small Brooklyn apartment, you need to figure out how you are going to go from fitting a family of three to a family of four! Haha. We spent this past weekend getting our TV mounted on the fireplace so that we can eventually get rid of our entertainment center to make room for the rocking/glider chair that we will have to move OUT of the nursery (through the window, because it won’t fit through the door mind you), so that we can then fit crib #2 into the nursery. Whew! Just thinking about it makes me exhausted already.

I found the most comfy palazzo pants at Target during the spring time, and as soon as I saw that stretchy waistband, I thought they would be perfect during my pregnancy. I could not have been more spot on! At 31 weeks, these (non-maternity) pants fit me with room to spare! And they are SO incredibly comfortable!

We are gearing up for a 4th of July trip to Seneca Lake this Thursday…but not before I check in with the baby doc on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for a good appointment and a good trip to come!

Make it a great week everyone!



Why I’m Tougher This Pregnancy


Pregnancy. What a wild ride it is…and each time is different. My first pregnancy was cut tragically short due to a miscarriage after 7.5 weeks and ended in devastation and sadness. My 2nd pregnancy, I was a nervous wreck for the entire 1st trimester and then some. Afraid to work out. Afraid of another loss. Eventually as time wore on, I started to become less nervous and embrace my pregnancy along with all the ups and down, scares, vomiting, nausea, itchiness, heartburn, early contractions, duck waddling, and more. With every sonogram (and I had a lot of them) I felt closer and closer to my Little Monkey. Eventually, on August 29, 2013, my little boy was brought into the world and everything made sense. All of that craziness was worth it, and my life was forever changed. I can’t believe that little boy is now almost 2 years old, and I have another on the way.

Most women would say that being pregnant the 2nd (or in my case 3rd) time around is more difficult. I would have to agree that it has been quite challenging. However, I think it has somehow made me TOUGHER. And here’s why:

1st Trimester Nausea & Exhaustion

I thought this was bad before, but this pregnancy was much worse! Previously, I would get sick, and then feel better, but I pretty much felt a constant wave of nausea all day every day for the entire first trimester. Even if I got sick, I did not feel any better. I tried ginger candies (I was repulsed), preggie pop drops, eating small frequent meals, and sea bands, but nothing really seemed to do the trick except letting time pass. I was also much more exhausted, but couldn’t exactly fall asleep whenever I wanted to. Knowing that I was able to get through this first rough of a 1st trimester with everything else going on in my life makes me feel like one tough cookie.

I Have a Toddler This Time Around

This is probably BY FAR the most challenging aspect of this pregnancy! Previously, if I needed a nap or I felt sick I could lay down and rest. As a stay-at-home working mom this time around, I cannot just take a break when I need to. My toddler is very active and wants to run around and play all day. He takes one nap a day, and at the beginning, I was napping right along with him! With the 2nd trimester, I gained a lot of energy back, and now I work during his nap time, but it was a a struggle in the beginning. There was a lot of time for planning during my last pregnancy, but I feel as if this pregnancy is just flying right by! Anyone that can get through a pregnancy while taking care of a toddler is tough in my book!

I am Running My Own Business

Speaking of work…since the company I was working for folded in September, I decided to take a step in a new direction as a fitness coach and freelance writer. I now stay at home with my son, work from home, and make my own schedule, but it’s also extremely tough to fit everything in in one day on top of being pregnant. Toddler playdates, doctor’s appointments, conference calls, emails, quiet time to write, taking care of the house, building a business…there is so much to fit in each day, and only so much time. I find myself working a lot of late nights trying to get it all done, and luckily my husband is good about letting me sleep in a lot so that I don’t run myself ragged.

I am Working on My Fitness

As I said before, I was previously scared to work out during my last pregnancy. I walked a lot, which was a great way to keep active, but I did not feel “in shape” at all. This pregnancy, I have been doing the PiYo program (combo of pilates and yoga) at least 4-5 times per week for at least 30 min per day, hiking on weekends, etc. My body feels so much more physically fit, strong, & toned, and my lungs have so much more endurance and capacity. I feel so much more energized on a daily basis after I have completed my workouts, and I generally just feel tougher!

I am Eating Healthier

I do feel that I generally ate pretty healthy during my last pregnancy, but since becoming a fitness coach, I have paid even more attention to what I am putting in my body on a daily basis…especially processed foods and sugars. Of course, this pregnant mama is never going to completely cut ice cream out of her diet…I mean we all have to live a little, right?!?!  Sometimes those pregnancy cravings will get the best of me for sure. I am not perfect, and will never claim to be!  But on the whole, I am conscious of what I am eating and I strive to make healthy, clean choices for myself and my growing babe.

I Have Been Through It Before

I have a newfound confidence this time around. I mentioned being afraid a lot during my last pregnancy…but this time I am more confident with my decisions, I realize that there are some things that are just out of my control, and I have to let go a little.  I generally have an idea of what to expect this time for labor and delivery (although I do understand that things could be completely different), so I am not super anxious about what’s going to happen. I understand that things may happen unexpectedly, I now know what contractions feel like (and I know to drink tons of WATER to prevent dehydration and early contractions), and I know not to freak out if I go into my regular check up and they tell me I am not leaving without a baby. I feel prepped and I feel calm.  I’m actually more anxious about how things are going to go POST-delivery when I have two children! Haha.

Curious as to what you other mamas are going through out there? How have you been feeling throughout your pregnancy? If you are pregnant for a 2nd time around, have you felt that it’s been easier or harder? Do you feel tougher as well or has it all been a lot to handle?

I definitely feel that my workouts combined with my nutrition have played a HUGE role in my “toughness” this pregnancy, both mentally and physically. It keeps me going and keeps me strong.

Happy Monday to all you Mamas, and everyone else out there reading! We had a nice weekend with family and friends. Today marks 28 weeks pregnant for this gal.

Let’s make it a great week!



{33} Lately…

 photo 2

Lately I’ve been…

reading  The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. I have been reading a lot of personal development non-fiction lately. As an entrepreneur, I think it’s extremely beneficial to help keep myself on track with my goals for my life and my business.  It’s a practice that I have picked up since becoming a coach with Beachbody, and I think it has really made a difference overall in helping to improve my business as well as my life. The particular book talks about how a few simple daily disciplines can really turn into a massive change in terms of success and happiness.

writing  A workout routine for my new upcoming Bikini Boot Camp Challenge that will focus on the core using crunch-less ab exercises. The challenge will kick off next week right before Memorial Day Weekend, so let me know if you want in!

listening  Loving this new jam by Martin Solveig – Intoxicated

thinking  That I am a very lucky lady. I had a wonderful Mother’s Day Weekend spent with my boys. We had a playdate with friends on Saturday, a date night Saturday, and spent Sunday getting pampered with breakfast and gifts, hiking, and having an early dinner on the water.  I am so very lucky to have incredible moms in my life to call my own (mom, mother-in-law, grandmothers, godmother, aunts, friends, family friends, etc), and I am lucky to be a mom myself to my amazing little boy and babe on the way. I am also super lucky to have such an incredible partner in my journey through life. We are going to be celebrating 4 married years together (and 10.5 together) this Thursday, and I just feel so blessed for the relationship that we have built and will continue to build.

smelling  The fabulous chai that I am consuming at this very moment. Mmm.

watching  Was lucky enough to get a date night with the hubby courtesy of our fabulous parent’s group in our hood. We decided to catch a movie and saw, The Age of Adaline. Starring Blake Lively, this period piece was interesting and although unbelievable at times, if you vow to just be purely entertained and not focus so much on how it can be a little ridiculous…it was a really good movie. It’s almost as if she is time traveling because she is able to live through so many different time periods. And I just love her classic style throughout the film. Would definitely recommend! Even the hubs enjoyed it.

wishing  If I tell you this wish…it might not come true…so I’m going to stay mum for now. 😉

hoping  To finish up the planning this week for my BFF’s Bachelorette Weekend coming up! We already have some fun ideas in store, but putting together the final touches with my fellow Matron of Honor this week. Cannot wait for this little gal’s getaway!  Thanks for getting married, bestie, so we have an excuse to all get together! Hehe.

wearing  Plaid button down, ripped casual jeans, and flip flops! Yes, flip flops!  Cheers to warm weather!

loving  My new pregnancy pillow and the prenatal massage that I have booked for June. Spoiled mama!

wanting  Baby to move up a little bit in my belly! Apparently my placenta is lying a little low and so I am feeling all kinds of movements very low as well…feels kinda weird! But good news is, he is moving a lot!! Always kicking around in there. We go to the doc again on Wednesday for a growth check, so keeping fingers crossed that baby is getting bigger! (I am getting bigger, so I am hopeful!) Today marks 24 weeks!

needing  More sleep! I am so bad at going to bed early as I feel I need to stay up and complete so many more things on my to-do list each night! I really need to start forcing myself to hit the sack just a little bit earlier each night and tell myself that things can wait until tomorrow.

feeling  Tired! Like I said above…I need to get more sleep! I also did the PiYo Drench workout this morning and whew! Talk about sweating up a storm. They were not kidding about the whole “drench” thing. Felt good to get back to PiYo though after taking the weekend off. Never miss a Monday!

craving  Sweets. My pregnancy sweet tooth is starting to come back in full force! Nothing new really though, pregnant or not. I need to start eating more fruit to nix those unhealthy cravings for sugar! Watermelon was my fruit of choice last pregnancy. I would be happy to return to that routine 🙂

clicking  Through the recently launched site Co11ective, where 11 ladies have come together to share stories of health,  nutrition, fitness, fashion, digital marketing, entrepreneurship and more. I am so happy to be included in this dynamic group of powerful and successful women.



Hope all the mommies out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day Weekend!

What have you been up to lately?



P.S. I usually only share one photo in my “Lately” posts. However, we had such a fun day yesterday, that I wanted to share a little more:

photo 3

photo 1

photo 4

photo 5

photo 7

photo 8

photo 6

***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

Out in the Country


This look totally said “I’m going out to the country” this past weekend. Casual, comfortable with layers for a chilly morning and warm afternoon. Planning outfit shoots with a toddler in tow these days, is almost near impossible. He has no tolerance or patience for sitting still and wants to run, run, run!  We often resort to pulling over on the side of the road when the little one falls asleep for a nap. Whatever works! Haha. We found this adorable green church out in the countryside of Beacon and thought it would be a perfect place to stop and shoot since we had to wait for the little guy to wake up before exploring anyway. I’m still thinking fondly of our mini get-a-away last weekend, and can’t wait for the next one.





Top: Motherhood / Jeans: Motherhood (old) / Trench: H&M (similar on sale) / Boots: Target / Sunnies: Vintage Kenneth Cole / Necklace: Love, Lori Michelle / Bracelets: Tory Burch (similar), Stella & Sparkle, Baublebar / Watch: Michael Kors

What a gorgeous day outside! Can’t wait to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Make it a good one ya’ll!



Bright & Sunny {With Stella & Dot Part 2}


This past weekend, our little family of three (almost four) decided to escape the city for a little fresh air in Upstate NY. We explored the town of Beacon and settled down at a nice little spot on the Hudson that we found on Airbnb in the town of Rosendale. It was a lot of fun to tour around some unfamiliar places, try new restaurants, window shop, and hike new trails. The Wallkill Valley Rail Trail was a perfect hike for a prego mama and a newly hiking toddler. Nice and flat! We had a gorgeous view of the trestle bridge right across from our place, and the town of Rosendale was only steps away. It was a lovely get-a-way and it was so nice to spend some time in the great outdoors.








Dress: Old Navy / Sun Hat: Snagged on my trip to Mexico – similar here / Shoes: Cynthia Vincent / Sunnies: Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors (now on sale) / Lip: Revlon Hydrangea / City Slim Clutch, Rebel Pendant & Ring, Bianca Earrings (can be worn multiple ways!), Wanderer Cuff, Pave Triangle Cuff, & Eden Bangle: All on loan from Stella & Dot

This is Part 2 of my Spring/Summer photo shoot with Stella & Dot. I have had my eye on this Rebel Pendant for almost a year now, and now there is also an amazing Rebel Ring to match.  I am also in love with this City Slim Clutch in the metallic color. It’s super chic, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.

Shop the shoot here at my online trunk show, and keep in mind that today is the LAST day to guarantee shipping for Mother’s Day! The rest of this collection is fabulous, so you will definitely want to check it out. Trust me, mom will approve! Shoppers will be entered to win free jewelry and pieces at 50% off.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and I hope you get a chance to get outside today and enjoy this sunshine!



Mother’s Day Style With Stella & Dot


While I love all of my jobs…fitness coach, freelance writer, blogger, and kid’s soccer coach…being a mom is my most favorite job of all. I never knew the intense love I could feel for another human being until my little Nico came into my life. As hard as it can be sometimes as a mom, and as crazy and scatterbrained as I feel sometimes, I feel so incredibly blessed each time I look at my child. Each time he utters “mama” or “I love you,” or climbs into my bed and gives me a big sloppy kiss, I am reminded how much this little person needs me. How in these moments, I can do no wrong in his eyes. The excitement and wonder and huge smiles and laughter that he emits on a daily basis make my eyes well up with happiness and pride. He truly enjoys discovering the world, learning new things, paying attention to things I teach him, being independent, and best of all, snuggling back up with mama and papa at the end of the day.

This Mother’s Day I am doubly reminded of how lucky I am now that I have a second child on the way. Nico will have a brother by the end of the summer, and my love will only continue to grow and my heart will become even more full (hard to imagine that even being possible!) It will undoubtedly be hard. I will wonder what in the heck I have gotten myself into, how I will survive the next day, when I will be able to take a shower next, if I will ever get sleep again…but I know I will have those moments where I will look at my newborn son in my arms or I will see my two children interacting with each other sweetly, and I will just smile and melt…and that hard will be all the more worth it.








Dress: Old Navy / Pineapple Tennis Shoes: Brickyard Buffalo (sold out, but similar here) / Watch: Michael Kors – on sale! / Sunglasses: Vintage / Havana Collection Necklace & Earrings (can be worn multiple ways!), Kelly Green Fillmore Tote, Inspiration Bangle, and Cady Wrap Bracelet: All on loan from Stella & Dot

I am so incredibly excited to team up with Jessica Sigler from Stella & Dot to showcase their Summer Collection. I am hosting an Online Trunk Show of the latest and greatest pieces, and it couldn’t be better timing to have Mother’s Day right around the corner. This is the first look of two shoots with some of my favorites, including the gorgeous Havana Collection and the Kelly Green Fillmore Tote.  I am also a huge fan of the personalized engravables they have to offer. Special Mother’s Day Deal on the Union Square Scarf as well ($14.99 $59 when you spend $50.) All shoppers will be entered to win free jewelry and pieces at 50% off. Happy shopping!

Hope you are having a great week so far! And for my friends and followers in Baltimore, please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Charm City.



Blue & Yellow


Took these photos back on Easter/Passover weekend when we were in Maryland visiting family. It was a GORGEOUS day outside allowing me to wear this sleeveless number without a jacket and fully enjoy the sunshine. Oh boy am I happy that spring is finally here!






Dress: ModCloth (sold out, but similar here) / Boots: Target / Watch: Michael Kors – now on sale!

My little bump is starting to pop here in these photos at 19 weeks. I am now at 21 weeks today, and we will head to the doctor on Wednesday for our 2nd anatomy sonogram and to check in with my midwife to see how baby is progressing.  I always get so excited/nervous for these appointments!  I am feeling good and starting to feel baby’s movements so I’m hoping that this means we will be getting a good report!

We had a nice weekend and decided to enjoy the fabulous weather by taking a little family trip to the Bronx Zoo. Nico was in complete awe of the giant tigers and bears. We ended the day with a trip to Arthur Avenue for some delicious Italian fare. Nom nom nom.  Yesterday we headed to Long Island City in Queens for a 2nd birthday party, so I guess you could say we borough hopped around this weekend!

Today I got my PiYo Buns workout in this morning (buns are burning ya’ll!), and I am hunkered down working from home trying to stay out of the wind, cold, and rain. Hoping tomorrow will bring the sunshine back.  Happy Monday everyone! Let’s make it a great week!



You Wouldn’t Believe It If I Told You


“What are you wearing to Alex’s baby shower?” my sister asked.

“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” was my response.

Yes, I am a pregnant lady, who decided to wear a crop top two piece dress to a baby shower.

“But I promise it’s classy!” I exclaimed.

I can’t even describe to you what my sister imagined me wearing to this shower. Haha. I think I really threw her for a loop.  I purchased this dress at the end of last summer season, and didn’t find the right opportunity to wear it then. Fast forward to this year, and the tags were still on. My tummy is ever growing, and this shower was pretty much my last opportunity of the year to get any wear out of this dress before I blow up like a balloon haha. Lucky for me, this bad boy has a high waisted skirt and fans out over the bump, so people could barely notice the bump, and somehow I think I actually managed to make that slight skim of midriff stay classy, even with a baby growing inside me.  (I think. I hope.) Who knew?






Photos by: Mary Ann Guaragna / Edited by: Myself

Top & Skirt: Necessary Clothing (last season, but loving their selection of dresses right now) / Shoes: Sole Society (similar) / Sunnies: ModCloth / Watch: Michael Kors (now on sale!) / Bracelet: Baublebar / Earrings: Stella & Dot (similar) / Hair Curled with Sapphire 8-in-1 Curling Wand c/o: Irresistible Me (now on sale!)

I don’t know about you, but I am still waiting for the spring weather to arrive and STAY put.  I’m tired of this back and forth fake out with one nice day and then back to freezing cold again.  Come on SPRING!  Just get here already and don’t go away!  I’m sure mid-July when I am hugely pregnant, sweating, and waddling, I will regret these sentiments, but right now I am just craving that warm weather.

The father-in-law is coming up to visit tomorrow night and he is taking Zack and I to the Brooklyn Nets v. Washington Wizards basketball game. Not only am I excited to have a night out, but I have been dying to get to a Nets game, and who better to play them than my old team, the Wizards! Did you know I used to intern for them?  One of the best internships I ever had. It will be awesome to see them play again from a new perspective.

Hope you are all having a great week!

