Who would have thought that 15 years after high school, I would have been in New Orleans with these 3 ladies from good ole ASHS???
Seriously though… Sure, we were friendly… I don’t think many of us couldn’t talk to pretty much anyone from our school in the hallway (it was truly a special place!)…but we didn’t know each other all that well. And yet we came together with a common purpose:
*To create a more fulfilling future for ourselves and our families
*To grow as individuals + support each other along the way
*To surround ourselves with positive influences
And it felt incredibly EASY and NATURAL and just like we have been the best of friends the whole time throughout these last 15 years!
One of the BEST things about coaching is the amazing people this opportunity has brought into my life. I can honestly say I would not be the same person I am today if it weren’t for my team. Building each other up, supporting each other when we are down.
Throughout my whole life I had always been a part of a team. And I realized in my adult life, a team is still what I crave and need to have around me. This community has meant the world to me. Along with these amazing ladies, I have met tons of others from across the country who have changed me for the better.
And honestly? They just “get” me! My quirks, my goofy weirdness, my gangsta rap, the fact that even though I CAN be in yoga pants all day doesn’t mean I want to (I actually LIKE to get dressed up!), my OCD personality, the bookworm nerd in me, the fact that I never want to miss out on anything, my adventurous nature, they relate to me on the mom-level, we can have deep conversations, and so much more…they never judge…and they work so hard to do the best they can at every facet of life. They inspire me every day.
*The incredible group of ladies you see here along with the rest of Team SPARK! who weren’t able to make it to New Orleans this year will be hosting a SPECIAL EVENT this THURSDAY evening at 8:30pm ET!*
After coming back from our trip, we realize that we would be doing you a disservice if we did not SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS at how much this incredible Coaching Opportunity has CHANGED our lives, and we want to pay it forward. We want to share with you that ANYTHING is possible if you believe in yourself and what you can achieve.
We are looking for TEAM PLAYERS.
People who are GO-GETTERS.
Who aren’t afraid to dig deep and grow themselves.
Who want to be happy and healthy.
Who want to be financially free.
Who enjoy helping others.
If this sounds like YOU, then please fill out this application and comment below with your RSVP for Thursday night at 8:30pm!
Hope to chat with you soon and hope you believe in yourself enough to take the leap and join this amazing tribe!