HI!!! While browsing for sparkly sequined outfits to wear for my AC trip a couple weeks back, I also came across this adorable sweater. I love the color palette, the comfiness, and the “Hi” lettering that speaks volumes to my personality. I am the type of person who will pretty much talk to anybody, even strangers on the street. While of course every now and then I like to have my “me” time, I usually love being around others, the overall energy of people, meeting new friends, and hearing their stories. My family and friends know that if we go somewhere, I will most likely run into somebody, and they will have to drag me along to keep me from talking to them all day.
Speaking of meeting new people, I went on my first “blogger date” this past Saturday. I would like to introduce you all to Alex of She Is Red. We have been “blogger friends” for a couple months now, and it was fantastic to finally meet her in person. She is an Oregon native who recently moved to New York City from just outside Copenhagen. She has a wonderful blog featuring fashion, food, and sparkly things. You definitely need to check it out!
We met at The Farm on Adderley (one of my favorite restaurants in the neighborhood) for a delicious brunch, and then did a little photo op in Ditmas Park. Five minutes into our photo op, we were just getting warmed up to photographing in front of someone other than our close relatives when we were screamed at by a psycho lady! This woman came storming out of her house yelling at us to stop taking photos of her house, because there was no sex offender living there and this story and these lies had ruined her life for the past 10 years. Umm…WHAT?!?! First of all, we are fashion bloggers taking photos of our outfits. Second of all, your house was not even in our shot. Third of all, we had no idea about this “sex offender” story and had no plans to broadcast it (until now of course). And lastly…you are PSYCHO! It was a little bit of a shake up for our first photo op together, but we nervously shuttled off to another street with normal, sane neighbors to finish our shoot. I suppose as weird as this incident was, it does make for a great crazy story!
Alex and I had a wonderful day, and I didn’t even notice how quickly the time had passed. I am happy to now call her a real friend instead of just a blogger friend. We realized we have a mutual love of karaoke, so I’m thinking that will be our next adventure!

Photos of me taken by Alex. Photos of Alex taken by me. Photos of us taken by a nice neighbor 🙂
Please excuse our messy manes…it was rainy and humid!
On me: HI Sweater: Forever 21 / Floral Print Dress: H&M (old) / Boots: ALDO -similar on sale here / Tights: Urban Outfitters / Bag: TJMaxx / Butterfly Ring: nOir / Bracelets: Wanderlust + Co. and BaubleBar / Watch: Betsey Johnson / Earrings: ALDO / Lip: MAC Snob
On Alex: Pendleton Coat: Vintage / Faux-fur Scarf: Vintage / Skirt: Forever 21 (sold out, but other pleated skirts I love here and here and also here) / Watch: Caravelle by Bulova / Necklace: Forever 21 / Bag: Forever 21 / Shirt: H&M / Boots: Acne

And how cute is the back of the sweater too!?!? I just love it. BYE! (for now!)
Enjoy the phenomenon of 12/12/12 today!