It’s FINALLY hereeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I feel as if I have been waiting for months for this program to come out!

I have been practicing in my living room, and I was able to actually experience this program in person at our annual Coach’s Summit in Nashville this past week. The creator, Shaun T., was there leading thousands of us in a choreographed hip-hop dance routine. With the music blasting, a huge smile on my face, and a big ‘ole prego belly, I was ready to go!

cize summit 2

If you are the type of person who sees working out as a chore, something you dread, or as punishment and you are the kind of person who just wants to have some FUN…then CIZE is definitely for you. Even if you don’t really know what the heck you are doing, it’s such a blast the entire time, and before you know it, you are done and drenched in sweat. You won’t even realize how much you have exercised, because you were having way to much fun to notice!

cize 3

I snagged my copy at Summit along with a bunch of other CIZE gear (because I just couldn’t contain myself quite frankly), and I am hoping to get in some of these routines before Baby #2 makes his appearance! I would love to have at least 5 people join me on this 30 day dance party starting August 3rd. Please email me at gina.notes26 {at} if you want to join or for more information. I promise you won’t regret it!

CIZE gear

And now for the grand finale…a video of myself (in the black) and two of my teammates CIZE-ing it up on the dance floor at Summit. Keep in mind I am 34 weeks pregnant people! Try not to laugh TOO hard! (although I know it might be hard to contain yourself). I have to say, I was happy for the song choice Shaun T. PG Chillin’ (those of you I grew up with know what I am talking about!)

[wpvideo YnM7V2mW]

So what do you think? Who wants to CIZE it up with me this August?

All in all, Nashville was a blast! I am trying to process everything that happened over the last few days…all the amazing things I learned not only for my business, but for my life. We heard so many transformation stories (physical, mental, emotional, and financial ones alike) that were incredibly inspiring, and this week I am going to try and go through everything I learned and break it down piece by piece and apply it to my every day life. What an incredible decision that was to attend, and with such incredible people!

As eye-opening as it was, I am happy to be home with my boys in New York, and back to my (almost) normal routine today. Hope you all have a fantastic week!



{34} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Caught up on some Health Magazine at the beach yesterday. Love their tips for healthy eating and exercise.

writing  Lots of e-mails, and catch up on blog posts before heading out to NASHVILLE on Thursday! if anybody has any good recommendations for while I’m out there, please let me know!

listening  The Coffee Shop (Ch. 31) on Sirius XM Radio. Puts Nico to sleep every time and he loves it.

thinking  That I need to get things together before this new baby arrives. I am 33 weeks today. Holy guacamole! I delivered at 38 weeks with my first babe, so it’s crazy to think that it’s less than 2 months before we will be a family of FOUR.

smelling  The yummy mocha that I treated myself to this morning.

watching  Finally saw the movie, Wild, starring Reese Witherspoon. The movie is based on the book by Cheryl Strayed with the same title. Being an outdoorsy person, I was a huge fan of the book as it depicted a woman hiking the Pacific Crest Trail for 3 months. I thought the movie did a decent job of portraying the book, but I definitely preferred the book over the movie. Although, I must say that is generally the case with me!

wishing  A very Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the world, Erin, who we spent the 4th of July weekend with at Seneca Lake. Her bday was yesterday, and I know it’s going to be an amazing year for her! Love you butt buddie!

hoping  For the internet to keep working. I have wasted a ton of time today hopping from cafe to cafe around the neighborhood and it’s like the internet is not working anywhere!?!?! What in the world is going on? Came back home and hoping it will stay on here so I can actually get some work done today!

wearing  Living in lots of dresses, maxis and flip flops on these hot summer days.  Whew!

loving  Speaking of these hot summer days, I actually love them…because that means BEACH TIME! Since we won’t be able to attend our family vacay to the OBX this year, I am going to try to soak up as much local beach time as possible this summer!

wanting  More space in my apartment! We are going to be doing lots of furniture rearranging in the next few weeks to make room for our new little roommate. Why do such tiny humans need so many things? lol.

needing  To finish planning Nico’s 2nd Birthday Party. We need to have it early this year, because his birthday is two days away from my due date. So I finally picked a date and ordered the cake. Now it’s time to figure out the food and decor. I seriously cannot believe he is going to be TWO.

feeling  SUPER excited for my upcoming trip to NASHVILLE for the Beachbody Coaches Summit! Excited to finally meet my team in person and for all the amazing events, workouts, and trainings that I get to be a part of. I’m sure it’s going to be an incredible experience that I will never forget.

craving  All the sleep I can get. Starting to get a little more tired again in this last trimester. Trying to get as much sleep as possible, because I know there are some all-nighters coming up in the near future again. Yikes!

clicking  On this adorable blog by Amaris, both mama and fashionista. Her outfits are chic yet casual, and her baby girl is sucha doll!

 Hope you all have a great week! I started off my morning with a Banana Chia Pudding breakfast, a Turbo Jam workout, and a walk around the neighborhood. Time to buckle down now and get crackin’.



What have you been up to lately?



Summer Sweat Sesh

Summer Sweat Sesh Invite

Can’t believe it’s almost JULY! This summer is flying by already. School is officially out and I know many of us are prepping for family vacations. Whoo hoo!

Starting July 6, I’m hosting a little Summer Sweat Sesh, because a dip in the pool always feels more refreshing after a nice workout right? Not to mention feeling even more fabulous in that swimsuit. 🙂

Most of the workouts are 30 min per day and are combined with a healthy eating plan. Our group will provide support and motivation each day along with workout tips, nutrition information, and yummy summer recipes.

So what do you say? Who’s in for a little sweat sesh this summer?

COMMENT below with your contact information or email me at gina.notes26 {at}

Cheers to Summer!



Help Wanted!


During my 7 years working in production and advertising as an agent for animation studios, I spent a lot of time watching other people create things. I always wished I could create more myself, which led to the creation of Popcorn and Pandas…an outlet for my personal style, travel, adventures, motherhood, lifestyle, food, fun…and now also fitness.

Fitness has always been a part of my life as I played soccer and basketball growing up, trained for half marathons and triathlon post college, and now as a health & fitness coach it plays an even bigger role. Running my own business has allowed me to reach a new creative potential that I never thought possible. I am able to create fresh content daily, create exciting challenges for my clients, and I’m inspired to create new recipes for healthy eating. I am also able to make a difference in people’s live each and every day.

Some of my recent challengers have said:

“I’m totally aware of how much stronger I’ve gotten and how much energy I have. Still more work to do, but loving the motivating results.”

“Today is Day 14 for me, and I can’t believe the difference! I can’t wait to see what Day 21 looks like. Thank you!”

“I am sleeping better, fitting into a size down, and although I have been doing the modified version of the exercises, I am improving every day. My mindset is more positive, and I definitely have more energy!”

Now, THAT is what it’s all about. I love making a difference in people’s lives and seeing them so positive and happy about the changes they are making not only to their bodies but to their minds and spirit as well.

Are you someone that likes making a difference too?

Because I am looking for 5 people to train for my next Coach Apprenticeship!!!!

If you are someone who is:
-A Team Player
-Looking for something MORE?

Then I would love to consider you for a position on Team SPARK! If you are interested and this sounds like something you would be interested in doing either full or part time, then please fill out this application below and I will contact you with more information!



Fit Mama Thoughts

Prego Coach Post

Shortly after I became a fitness coach, I discovered I was pregnant. I panicked. Not because of the whole extra child part. For that I was pretty excited, even though we were a tad surprised at the time. But I panicked about just starting a new job where people would rely on me to reach their health & fitness goals, because how could I set a good example while pregnant? I obviously wasn’t going to be showing any “results” photos from my program. I had to switch my program. I would be getting BIGGER…not smaller. What if I couldn’t keep up? Would people want to work with a coach who couldn’t practice everything they preach?

But I decided to give it a shot…give it my all…and see what came out of it. I have been working out as much as I can, eating healthy, and sharing my journey through pregnancy as a fit mama.

And you know what? I now have over 30 challengers in my groups and THREE of them are prego mamas just like me! I never would have dreamed I would be able to help and inspire so many people to reach their goals and stay healthy…especially the pregnant mamas. I am actually so incredibly inspired by THEM and all of my challengers to keep going on a daily basis.

This job has given me an amazing opportunity to not only help others but to better myself in the process 🙂 A year ago, I never would have thought I would be able to stay at home with my son and still accomplish so much in the working world. I am incredibly blessed and thankful, and I can’t wait to see what else is in store!

Hope you all are having a great week!



Tank Top Arms & Tasty Treats

Tank Top Arms Challenge Invite

Do you have tickets to the gun show? No, I’m not talking about the right to bear arms….I’m talking about the right to BARE ARMS…see what I did there? 😉 Ok ok…I admit, I’m a nerd…the point here is…it’s FREE Challenge time, and this month is all about those TANK TOP ARMS! It’s summer time and the guns are out, so let’s show them off with pride, ay?

Starting next MONDAY JUNE 15th, we will be sculpting those shoulders, building those biceps, and toning those triceps. Who says arms can’t be sexy?

We’ll also be mixing in some TASTY TREATS next week with some refreshing summer slim down recipes for meals and snacks.

No equipment necessary…and you can do this challenge from the comfort of your own home! We will meet online in a private Facebook group for support.

Who’s with me? COMMENT below with “I’m in!” and your e-mail address, and I will add you to the group You can also email me at gina.notes26 {at} Friends are always welcome, so feel free to spread the word!

Looking forward to seeing you next week!

Happy Hump Day!





Should you exercise during your pregnancy? During your first trimester, it can be hard to even get out of bed let alone exercise, because you are so exhausted. However, I am a big fan of exercise during pregnancy. Not only does it surprisingly give you more energy, it also boosts your mood, improves sleep, and helps with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Exercise strengthens your muscles for labor and delivery, and makes it much easier to get back to normal after the birth of your baby.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends pregnant women exercise for at least 30 minutes per day most days of the week. You want to get your heart pumping, increase your flexibility, manage weight gain, and prep your muscles, but you also need to make sure you don’t overdo it and cause stress for you or the baby.

If you were exercising before your pregnancy, there is no reason to stop once you get pregnant. Many women continue to run or weight train during their pregnancies. However, you do not want to start a rigorous routine when you are pregnant if you were not a big exerciser beforehand. Modify your workouts based on your fitness level and speak to your doctor about what the best plan would be for you.

Some people may think that pregnancy limits your exercise. That is true to an extent, but there are SO many things you can do during your pregnancy for exercise. Here are some of my favorites that you can do at home or on your own:


Since crunches are off the table for me during pregnancy (I am afraid of that ab split! No thank you!), planks are a GREAT alternative to keep your core strong. My favorite are the elbow and side planks. When in elbow plank, make sure to keep your back flat so that it’s not drooping as that will put stress on your back. Hold for as long as you are able!


Side leg lifts are great for the outside of your legs and your boo-tay. Move your leg up and down on each side. For the second version of the leg lift, start on all fours and push one leg out and up. Then bring it back in toward your chest and repeat. This exercise is really good for the hamstrings and the boo-tay as well.


Push-ups of course work that upper body! If you have been doing regular push-ups before your pregnancy, then you could go ahead and continue. If not, then you may want to do push-ups on your knees or against a wall to be safer.


For regular squats, place your legs shoulder width apart, keep your chest up and your shoulders back. Look up and make sure to put your weight on your heels. Pretend like you are sitting back in a chair and make sure your knees are behind your toes. You will definitely feel the burn in your quads and glutes! For plié squats or wide squats, open up your stance and your will feel those inner thighs getting strong.


Walking is one of the best exercises you can do while pregnant. Walk at a quicker pace to get that heart rate up as well, and make sure to always stretch. Stretching (especially lower body) is really great overall to prep your body for labor and delivery.


Step-Ups are fantastic for your legs and bum, and also counts as cardio!

Pregercises_Calf Raises

Start with your feet flat and raise up to your tippy toes. Repeat for at least 30 reps. You can do each leg separate or at the same time–whichever is more comfortable for you. Your calves might be screaming by the end, but they will be strong and toned as well.


One of the most relaxing ways to build strength, tone, and stretch during your pregnancy. Some of my favorite poses include downward dog, upward dog, warrior 2, warrior 3, and child’s pose. As someone with an ever-aching back, it only gets worse during pregnancy, so these yoga poses really do wonders for me.  I have actually been participating in PiYo for the past couple months which is a combination of yoga and pilates. It’s a faster paced program that keeps you moving the whole time, and I have felt so much stronger and healthier in my pregnancy this time around because of it. Happy to share more info if you are interested!


Last but not least, one of my favorite exercises during pregnancy…dancing!  I hope I don’t really look like this when I dance. Maybe I do. I’m a nerd and was trying to end this post on a silly note, but in all seriousness, dancing is a fantastic (and fun!) way to stay active and fit during your pregnancy.

Some other exercises not pictured here that are wonderful during pregnancy include: swimming, low-impact aerobics, pelvic tilts, seated rows, weight training, running (if you were a runner before), and spinning or barre classes.

Did you stay active during your pregnancy? If so, what was your favorite way to exercise?

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!



P.S. Nico had his first photo shoot for an ad catalog yesterday (my husband’s company.)  He got to model the most adorable lion coat! It was pretty cute, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out! Stay tuned. 🙂

Blue & Yellow


Took these photos back on Easter/Passover weekend when we were in Maryland visiting family. It was a GORGEOUS day outside allowing me to wear this sleeveless number without a jacket and fully enjoy the sunshine. Oh boy am I happy that spring is finally here!






Dress: ModCloth (sold out, but similar here) / Boots: Target / Watch: Michael Kors – now on sale!

My little bump is starting to pop here in these photos at 19 weeks. I am now at 21 weeks today, and we will head to the doctor on Wednesday for our 2nd anatomy sonogram and to check in with my midwife to see how baby is progressing.  I always get so excited/nervous for these appointments!  I am feeling good and starting to feel baby’s movements so I’m hoping that this means we will be getting a good report!

We had a nice weekend and decided to enjoy the fabulous weather by taking a little family trip to the Bronx Zoo. Nico was in complete awe of the giant tigers and bears. We ended the day with a trip to Arthur Avenue for some delicious Italian fare. Nom nom nom.  Yesterday we headed to Long Island City in Queens for a 2nd birthday party, so I guess you could say we borough hopped around this weekend!

Today I got my PiYo Buns workout in this morning (buns are burning ya’ll!), and I am hunkered down working from home trying to stay out of the wind, cold, and rain. Hoping tomorrow will bring the sunshine back.  Happy Monday everyone! Let’s make it a great week!

