“What are you wearing to Alex’s baby shower?” my sister asked.
“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” was my response.
Yes, I am a pregnant lady, who decided to wear a crop top two piece dress to a baby shower.
“But I promise it’s classy!” I exclaimed.
I can’t even describe to you what my sister imagined me wearing to this shower. Haha. I think I really threw her for a loop. I purchased this dress at the end of last summer season, and didn’t find the right opportunity to wear it then. Fast forward to this year, and the tags were still on. My tummy is ever growing, and this shower was pretty much my last opportunity of the year to get any wear out of this dress before I blow up like a balloon haha. Lucky for me, this bad boy has a high waisted skirt and fans out over the bump, so people could barely notice the bump, and somehow I think I actually managed to make that slight skim of midriff stay classy, even with a baby growing inside me. (I think. I hope.) Who knew?

Photos by: Mary Ann Guaragna / Edited by: Myself
Top & Skirt: Necessary Clothing (last season, but loving their selection of dresses right now) / Shoes: Sole Society (similar) / Sunnies: ModCloth / Watch: Michael Kors (now on sale!) / Bracelet: Baublebar / Earrings: Stella & Dot (similar) / Hair Curled with Sapphire 8-in-1 Curling Wand c/o: Irresistible Me (now on sale!)
I don’t know about you, but I am still waiting for the spring weather to arrive and STAY put. I’m tired of this back and forth fake out with one nice day and then back to freezing cold again. Come on SPRING! Just get here already and don’t go away! I’m sure mid-July when I am hugely pregnant, sweating, and waddling, I will regret these sentiments, but right now I am just craving that warm weather.
The father-in-law is coming up to visit tomorrow night and he is taking Zack and I to the Brooklyn Nets v. Washington Wizards basketball game. Not only am I excited to have a night out, but I have been dying to get to a Nets game, and who better to play them than my old team, the Wizards! Did you know I used to intern for them? One of the best internships I ever had. It will be awesome to see them play again from a new perspective.
Hope you are all having a great week!