Vintage Style Swimsuits

Vintage Style Swimsuits
1) Splendid Malibu Stripe One Piece: Swim Spot / 2) Rocksanda Ilincic Talgo Color Block Swimsuit: Matches Fashion / 3) Adreana Degreas Striped High Waisted Bikini: Moda Operandi /  4) Red Polka Dot Swimsuit: ModCloth / 5) Island One Piece: ModCloth / 6) White & Black Polka Dot One Piece: ModCloth / 7) Black High Waisted Bottoms: Mini Hammer via Etsy / 8) Floral Two Piece: ModCloth / 9) Zimmerman Verano Floral One Piece: Madewell / 10) Betsey Johnson Floating on Petals Two Piece: ModCloth / 11) Cherry Two Piece: ModCloth / 12) America Stars and Stripes Fringe Tankini (this is kids and obviously too small for me, but it was too adorable not to share): Shop Justice 
Also a fan of these suits from grey dog (not pictured).
Memorial Day Weekend has passed which means it’s officially summer in my eyes!  We went north to New Hampshire over the weekend, and lucky for me, I didn’t have to put on a bathing suit.  I know lots of women tend to be self conscious at the beginning of summer.  Leftover weight from the holidays that hasn’t come off…pasty pale skin that hasn’t gotten tan yet.  You know the drill.  It’s normal.  Only this summer, I’m feeling a bit more self conscious than usual.  I mean, last year I was pregnant in a bathing suit, so as uncomfortable as that might be, at least I felt that I could own my body and be proud that I was carrying a little guy in there.  Now, 9 months post birth, I am feeling great, and I have shrank back to my pre-pregnancy weight…and even back almost to my wedding weight!  I should be screaming and jumping for joy at my accomplishment!  However, it’s been said time and time again not to look at the scale.  The scale does not measure how you look and feel.  My body has been through a year, oh it has.  I’ve been stretched out and starved for time and I’m completely out of shape.  Breastfeeding and walking have gotten the weight off, but my body looks completely different than I am used to.  My belly is much squishier, and that jiggle jiggle is anything but attractive.  I have been patient with getting back to my normal self.  No crazy diets or workouts here.  Just steady walking, breastfeeding, and trying to eat healthy when I can.  What I really need is time to tone.  Or maybe I just need to make it a priority.  It’s tough, this mom thing.  By the time I get home from work, it’s time for Nico’s bath and bedtime routine.  After that, it’s cooking, dinner, clean-up, and I maaaaybe have an hour or so to get anything done, yet I am exhausted.  The last thing I want to do is a work out at 10pm that would keep me up even later with all the adrenaline.  I do hope and plan to get back on some kind of fitness routine in the near future, but in the meantime…it’s bathing suit season people, and what is a beach-loving mommy to do?
Well…I have decided to embrace and love the body I currently have and find a suit that flatters it as much as I can.  Work with what ya got, right?  Besides, my body got this way because of the incredible tiny human who now fills my life with so much joy.  There is something to be said for that.  We moms make sacrifices for our children every day, and if a little extra belly fat is what it takes to be blessed with such an amazing little boy, then so be it.  Luckily, vintage/mod/retro style suits are all the rage right now, and I am planning on rocking an adorable high waisted swimsuit or one-piece this summer.  Who says you can’t look hot in a onesie!?  The most important thing is that I am comfortable, so I am going to go with what works for me right now.
Would love to hear from any new mamas on what you plan on donning to the beach this summer?  OR if you have any great fitness routines that you swear by, I would love to hear from you as well!
Hope you have a happy one!

{24} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  The Girl on the Cliff by LucindaRiley.  This book came on recommendation from a friend, and so far I am super captivated!

writing  A packing list for our trip to the lake house in New Hampshire.  We leave tomorrow, and I cannot wait!

listening  Let me start off by saying I know this song is kind of terrible.  But something about this song and my old club days makes me not hate it.

thinking  Time is going so fast!  Nico hit two milestones this past week.  “Crawling” – or his version of it at least.  He’s basically sliding all over the apartment (including underneath the table and chairs as seen above…we are in trouble), and I told the hubby we should at least strap a swiffer duster to his belly so the floors get cleaned at the same time.  I kid, I kid.  He also pulled himself up to a standing position all by himself on Monday.  I was at work, and I missed it, which sucked, because as a mom you never want to miss those first moments.  I am so happy for him and all of his latest accomplishments, but it’s starting to hit home that our little baby is getting bigger, and it’s impossible to go back in time to when he was tiny.

smelling  Not much of anything, because I have been all stuffed up with sickness this past week.  Meh.

watching  The Bachelorette is back!  Any early guesses of who will win?

wishing  For clear skies in New Hampshire, so we can view all the pretty stars at night again this year.

hoping  Along the same lines…for sunshine this weekend!  The weather is looking a bit gloomy thus far.  I know we will still have fun catching up with our friends, playing board games and watching movies, but if possible, I would prefer to be hiking and exploring!  

wearing  Casual today in Paige denim, black and white striped tank, Camo jacket, and New Balance tennis shoes

loving  The fresh Hazelnut coffee we have been getting from Fairway.  I’m not much of a coffee snob.  I usually drink one cup a day, and the Keurig system works for us.  I had never really thought much about the freshness of the K-Cups, but until you have had one of the new Fairway One Cups (which foregoes all the bottom plastic as well for the green folks out there), you haven’t had a good K-cup!

laughing  At this woman who was just a LITTLE bit excited to be a grandmother.

wanting  A recommendation for a new spring nail polish!  Who has one?

needing  A new bathing suit for summer, but dreading the shopping process this year.  None of my old suits fit my current body, so it’s back to the drawing board.  I have a couple ideas in mind in terms of styles, so hopefully I can find something that works.

feeling  Still feeling pain and popping in my thumb a couple days after the Cortisone shot.  Hoping it kicks in soon, or else I may need another injection and possibly surgery.  Oy.

craving  Fresh fruit.  It’s almost summertime, which means all my favorite fruits will soon be in season!

clicking  Around on the Father’s Day gift hunt…it will be here before we know it!


What have you been up to lately?

Hope you all have a great week!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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{23} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin.  I am two chapters in, and I’m already thinking about what I could do to be happier.  I am totally with Gretchen in the fact that I am already happy…but I agree that there is no reason to not be the happiest you can possibly be.  So far, it’s been pretty thought provoking, and I’ve already thought about so many little changes I could make that would add up to a big difference.

writing  RSVP’s.  Wedding and baby shower season has officially begun.

listening  I’m guessing this will be the “song of the summer” – #SELFIE by the Chainsmokers

thinking  It will be strange to celebrate Easter without my Uncle this year…at the same time, I am excited to celebrate another 1st holiday for my little man, Nico.  Thoughts on painting Easter eggs vs. dyeing them this year?

smelling  Garlic and onions and a sweet smelling tomato sauce.  Mmm.

watching  Dallas Buyer’s Club.  So happy I finally got to see this Oscar Nominated film.  I can’t believe how far Mathew McConoughey has come in his career.  Bravo.

wishing  A Happy Birthday to my {might as well be} brother-in-law, Adam.  Hope you and your Mama had a great time celebrating yesterday!

hoping  That my child will learn to take a nap in his crib.  He’s starting to sit up in and grow out of the swing (I know, we were able to use this a lot longer than most, and it has served us well).  It’s starting to get to the point where he will only nap in the stroller, and that isn’t always an option!

wearing  Dresses!  It’s now warm enough that I don’t have to bundle in pants every day.  I love wearing free flowing dresses in the spring and summer seasons, and I am particularly loving these daytime dresses from Free People.

loving  The amazing weather that we had over the weekend!  We went on multiple walks, enjoyed the Brooklyn Smorgasbord, had a night out at the beer garden, and relished in the sunshine.  Nico also had his first adventure in a swings last weekend, which was a ton of fun!

laughing  At Nico’s current method of transportation.  After a few failed attempts at crawling, he has resorted to scooting while sitting up.  It’s hysterical.  

wanting  A pedicure.  It’s almost flip flop season people, and these puppies are not ready for open-toed shoes.

needing  To baby proof our apartment.  You don’t realize the potential dangers of your home until you have a little one almost on the move.  We ordered a few things from Amazon including thesethese, and these.  If anyone has any suggestions in this department, they are welcome!

feeling  Very behind at photo editing.  Between keeping up with work, a baby, this blog, mealtimes, and an attempted social life, my personal photos have been severely neglected.  I still have to edit our family Christmas photos and ones from Nico’s Baptism.  I keep setting time slots to do it, and something “more important” and time sensitive arrises.

craving  Coconut sorbet.  I have been cutting back a bit on dairy currently, because I think it might be having a slight impact on my babe’s digestion.  I tried out almond milk for the first time, which is surprisingly decent, and coconut sorbet has become my new best friend (because a girl has to satisfy that sweet tooth).

clicking  Over on the Merch website.  Love these stamped necklaces, and would love to get one that says “Ditmas Park.”


What have you been up to lately?

Also, congratulations to readers, Rachel and Joyce!  You have each won a $35 credit to Stella & Dot jewelry for shopping the trunk show!  You have also won an additional piece at 50% off.  Check your e-mail later today for details.

Hope you all have a great week!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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{22} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  I finally finished seventh and final Harry Potter book!  It took me a long time to finish the series, but it was definitely worth it, and I’m so glad I caught up with the rest of the universe.  I’m currently reading a few magazines, and next on my book list is The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin.  This book has been on my list for a long time, and I’m excited to see what it’s all about.    

writing  Cards. Birthdays and Babies galore!

listening  I know this song has been out for awhile, but I’ve been playing Lorde’s Royals on repeat lately.

thinking  Moda Operandi has taken emoticons to a whole new level.  Poo on a shoe?!?!  I’m shocked.  Yet, I kind of think this new loafer line will sell like crazy.

smelling  Pasta fagioli.  I decided to make it again this year since it continues to be so cold, and we have been eating it all week.  If you are interested, here is the recipe I posted from last year.

watching  If you haven’t seen Resurrection yet, you must go to and watch it ASAP!  I caught up on the first three episodes this week, and I am totally hooked.  It reminds me a bit of The 4400, which is an old favorite of mine, and I cannot wait to see how the season progresses.

wishing  My grandmother a Happy 93rd Birthday!  She gained another year this past Tuesday, and she is just as spunky as ever.  Love you Granny!

hoping  My father-in-law has a speedy recovery from his surgery this past week. He recently broke his ankle, leading to his second surgery in a short amount of time.  Poor guy.  He and my mother-in-law were supposed to come visit this weekend, but we are going to have to postpone until he is feeling a bit better.

wearing  Lots of layers…still.  I’m ready to rid of some layers.  Hopefully soon.

loving  My current work and home balance.  At times it is tough to be pulled in different directions, and it can feel like you I am not doing well enough at either “job”, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way right now.  I think I have a great balance of adult time v. quality time with Nico.  I am able to get dressed for the day, have adult conversations, and feel like I am making a contribution to both my company and financially at home, all while witnessing Nico’s latest achievements, taking him to music class, enjoying playdates, and watching him grow.

laughing  At these 25 Absurd Texts from Mom

wanting  More sleep!  While Nico typically sleeps through the night (lucky us), he’s been waking up in the night recently for unknown reasons.  Thinking it could possibly be teething (although I have seen nothing thus far) or just developmental changes.  Regardless of the reason, the entire family is a bit lacking in the sleep department this past week.

needing  To hang up the family photos that I just got and framed.  I can’t believe how tiny Nico was!

feeling  A very bad pain in my thumb that has migrated to part of my hand as well.  I think I may have something called trigger thumb most likely due to texting.  How embarrassing.  Basically my thumb gets stuck in a certain position, and the only way to “unstick” it is an extremely painful POP.  My joint has also changed dramatically into a painfully hard knot.  I thought if I tried resting it, it may get better, but it’s only getting worse and getting in the way of normal daily activities, so I think it’s time I saw a doctor ASAP.

craving  A midi skirt.  I know I probably have no business wearing a midi skirt at my height, because it will probably just make me appear even shorter, but they are just so darn cute!  I love this one and this one and this one…oh and this one too.

clicking  Through dessert recipes to find something I can make for a party this weekend.  I enjoy this cupcake recipe, but I don’t know if I am ambitious or skilled enough to take this one on, considering my last baked good came out of a box.  Please let me know if you have any easy good dessert recipe ideas to pass along!


What have you been up to lately?

This weekend I am planning on seeing my friends at Waveborn (yes that’s me on their website rockin’ their sweet shades!) to preview their new line of sunglasses.  I am super excited they will be in town and that they have included me as a guest to their trade show.  We also have a possible baby/family playdate for Sunday in the mix.

Also, a quick reminder that there are two days left to shop my Stella & Dot trunk show!  Shoppers will be entered to win free jewelry and pieces at 50% off.

Hope you all have a Happy Weekend!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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Back in Action





Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Striped Blouse: H&M – similar here,  / Absolute Legging: AG Jeans / Booties: ALDO / Locket: Vintage via Etsy – more from the shop here / Clutch: TJ Maxx / Bracelets: Wanderlust + Co., ASOS (sold out – similar here), Baublebar

2014 has had a crazy start!  I started back up to work, and have been trying to figure out how to be a working mom.  Right now I’m trying to cram all my work into three days and still have time to pump three times a day to make sure my boy has enough to eat while I’m gone.  When I am home with him, he is more awake than ever, and he keeps me busy all day long.  It’s a lot of fun watching him grow (He rolled over for the first time this weekend!  And he’s sitting up for long periods of time on his own now!), but it can definitely be exhausting!  On top of that, we have been dealing with some house issues that need crucial hands on maintenance, and I’ve also been planning Nico’s upcoming Baptism.  Whew!

Needless to say, my poor little blog has been getting neglected.  I’ve had ideas for posts and outfits that I have wanted to blog, but life has just been getting in the way, and p + p unfortunately had to go on the back burner the past few weeks.  Hopefully as we settle into our new routine, I will be able to find some time to keep things going, because I really do love having this little creative outlet!

Onto this outfit.  Although, I do adore some pops of color every now and then, I do tend to go back to my comfort zone of black and white quite often!  Maybe it’s the New York in me.  I’m now back in my original size jeans (yay!) which called for a shopping celebration, and I scored this striped blouse at H&M while out.  The vintage locket I am wearing was a Christmas gift from my husband, and I’m absolutely in love with it.  There is a family photo of the three of us inside, with three other spaces to put photos when I want to add them.

Hope you will be hearing more from me in the coming weeks!  I am glad to be back in action.



My Favorite Christmas Present Came Early

Although I haven’t opened my presents yet this year, my husband couldn’t wait to give me this one early, and I already know it’s my favorite.  He edited clips of our adventures during Nico’s first four months of life and strung them together to create a short video.  It had me in tears about…ohhhh…five seconds in, and I decided I would share with my readers.  For anyone who has children, wants children, or even just likes children, I think you will appreciate this video.  I can’t believe how much has changed in so little time.  Very excited to spend our first Christmas Eve together as a family of three. 🙂

Merry Christmas to all!




‘Tis the Season


‘Tis the Season!  I did a little me-shopping for the holidays, and picked up this jeweled sweatshirt from StyleMint as well as these adorable burgundy bow smoking slippers from Seychelles.  This outfit was a perfect blend of being polished and dressy enough for the Thanksgiving weekend festivities, but also allowed me to stay comfortable at the same time.  This particular day, my family all came to my parents house to meet our little Nico for the first time.  It went well and our little guy certainly has a lot of people who love him!

I also took advantage of the Starbucks drive-thru while in Maryland.  My neighborhood doesn’t have one, and I haven’t been venturing out of it too often while on maternity leave.  I absolutely swoon over their holiday lattes, and this year was no different.  I tried the Caramel Brulee Latte for the first time, and loved it so much, I got one the following day for the drive back to NY as well.  Yum!






Photos by: Mary Ann Guaragna / Edited by: Myself

Sweatshirt: StyleMint / Bow Blouse: Piperlime (old) – also like this one in coral / Smoking Slippers: Seychelles / Pants: Motherhood / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Stella and Sparkle / Lip: Smashbox Maven / Nails: Essie Hot Coco

Things have been a little crazy in the Notes household this past weekend.  We’ve been trying to get Nico on a better sleeping pattern (i.e. trying to get him to go to sleep without it taking 2+ hours).  It hasn’t been fun, but after a few short days, I think it’s actually starting to work.  The whole family might be on a track toward good sleep (fingers crossed).  This is just the first of many tough parenting decisions we have had to make.  No one can really explain how hard motherhood can be sometimes.  We are just figuring everything out along the way.  Oh!  We have also come super close to finding a nanny for our little guy!  We have interviewed a lot, and we think we just may have found the one.  Hoping it all works out for the best!

Happy Monday everyone!



Stripes, Polka Dots, and Sparkle


I donned this get-up on a “business” lunch the other week with my boss and coworkers.  Nico was in tow, which is why the business is in quotes, and it was more of a catch up session on what’s been going on in the past few months as well as a chance for my office to meet my little guy.  I liked this stripe, polka dot, and sparkle mix so much I decided to sport it again while on our trip to Maryland over the holiday.  Pattern mixing can sometimes be tough, but I think it works well when you keep within the same color palette.  How do you all feel about pattern mixing?





Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Striped Blazer: GAP – now on sale! / Polka Dot Button Up: J. Crew (old) – similar / Sparkly Loafers: Seychelles / Jeans: Motherhood / Watch: Coach (old) – similar / Lip: Lancome Groupie

The holidays are in full force!  We put up our tree last night and decorated the house.  It was so sweet to watch Nico’s eyes and smile grow wide when he saw us putting up all the lights.  He was kicking so hard with joy in his rock-and-play, I thought he might jump out and try to help!  We did get him a super cute sock monkey stocking and a brand new ornament which he helped to put on the tree.  It’s crazy to think how different this Christmas is from last year’s.  I even cried while dancing to Silent Night with my little family.  Ok, enough of the emo stuff.  Nico and I are off to his 3 month doctor’s appointment today.  Hope you all are enjoying the week and the holiday season!



Glitzy Glam


Nothing says holiday season like a little glitter and gold!  While in Maryland last week, we were able to get out and about to a few holiday parties both with and without our little one.  This particular night I was dressed up for our annual friends potluck dinner that is now going six years strong!  We had a great trip, and I’m excited for all the festivities coming up this month!





Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Jacket: StyleMint / Top: Urban Outfitters (old) / Pants: Motherhood / Shoes: Dolce Vita – similar / Bag: Rebecca Minkoff – similar in rose gold / Butterfly Ring: nOir / Watch: Betsey Johnson (old) – also love this one / Necklace: Family Heirloom / Hoop Earrings: Gifted / Lip: Smashbox Maven

Millions of Peaches




I came across these photos that I had taken back in August.  Our yard has a peach tree out front that grew more peaches than we could possibly eat!  After passing them out to the neighbors, I swore I was going to make my first peach pie on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend.  I was planning on gathering all the ingredients early in the week, and I was going to make a blog post of how amazing it all turned out.  Well, folks, that clearly never happened, because I went into labor on Labor Day Weekend.  I had more important things at hand, like meeting my baby boy.  I can’t believe that was three months ago, today.  My life has changed in more ways than I could have even imagined.  I thought I could never love any more than the day when they put Nico in my arms for the very first time, but that love has continued to grow and grow with every day that passes.  My husband and I just constantly look at each other, look at Nico, and verbalize how lucky we are to have been blessed with such an amazing boy.  They told me time would fly by, and they weren’t lying.  Happy 3 Months my little guy.  We love you.


Oh and by the way…those peaches did not go to waste.  We were lucky enough to have my mother-in-law stay with us for a few days after Nico’s birth.  One of the ways she helped out was by baking that amazing peach pie.  In my haggard new-mother state, I failed to capture this pie with my camera, but let me assure you, it was delicious!

*This post was intended for Nov. 29th, but we were on holiday celebrating Thanksgivingkah.  Hope you all had a great weekend!  I’m off to partake in Cyber Monday sales!

