Lately I’ve been…
reading The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin. I am two chapters in, and I’m already thinking about what I could do to be happier. I am totally with Gretchen in the fact that I am already happy…but I agree that there is no reason to not be the happiest you can possibly be. So far, it’s been pretty thought provoking, and I’ve already thought about so many little changes I could make that would add up to a big difference.
writing RSVP’s. Wedding and baby shower season has officially begun.
listening I’m guessing this will be the “song of the summer” – #SELFIE by the Chainsmokers
thinking It will be strange to celebrate Easter without my Uncle this year…at the same time, I am excited to celebrate another 1st holiday for my little man, Nico. Thoughts on painting Easter eggs vs. dyeing them this year?
smelling Garlic and onions and a sweet smelling tomato sauce. Mmm.
watching Dallas Buyer’s Club. So happy I finally got to see this Oscar Nominated film. I can’t believe how far Mathew McConoughey has come in his career. Bravo.
wishing A Happy Birthday to my {might as well be} brother-in-law, Adam. Hope you and your Mama had a great time celebrating yesterday!
hoping That my child will learn to take a nap in his crib. He’s starting to sit up in and grow out of the swing (I know, we were able to use this a lot longer than most, and it has served us well). It’s starting to get to the point where he will only nap in the stroller, and that isn’t always an option!
wearing Dresses! It’s now warm enough that I don’t have to bundle in pants every day. I love wearing free flowing dresses in the spring and summer seasons, and I am particularly loving these daytime dresses from Free People.
loving The amazing weather that we had over the weekend! We went on multiple walks, enjoyed the Brooklyn Smorgasbord, had a night out at the beer garden, and relished in the sunshine. Nico also had his first adventure in a swings last weekend, which was a ton of fun!
laughing At Nico’s current method of transportation. After a few failed attempts at crawling, he has resorted to scooting while sitting up. It’s hysterical.
wanting A pedicure. It’s almost flip flop season people, and these puppies are not ready for open-toed shoes.
needing To baby proof our apartment. You don’t realize the potential dangers of your home until you have a little one almost on the move. We ordered a few things from Amazon including these, these, and these. If anyone has any suggestions in this department, they are welcome!
feeling Very behind at photo editing. Between keeping up with work, a baby, this blog, mealtimes, and an attempted social life, my personal photos have been severely neglected. I still have to edit our family Christmas photos and ones from Nico’s Baptism. I keep setting time slots to do it, and something “more important” and time sensitive arrises.
craving Coconut sorbet. I have been cutting back a bit on dairy currently, because I think it might be having a slight impact on my babe’s digestion. I tried out almond milk for the first time, which is surprisingly decent, and coconut sorbet has become my new best friend (because a girl has to satisfy that sweet tooth).
clicking Over on the Merch website. Love these stamped necklaces, and would love to get one that says “Ditmas Park.”
What have you been up to lately?
Also, congratulations to readers, Rachel and Joyce! You have each won a $35 credit to Stella & Dot jewelry for shopping the trunk show! You have also won an additional piece at 50% off. Check your e-mail later today for details.
Hope you all have a great week!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.