That being said…the 2nd photo here is taken about a year later. After a lot of hard work. After ups and downs. After a lot of personal and mental growth. After CHOOSING to make sure that I did not get lost this time. That I remained a priority in my own life. It’s not easy to make a change. But I knew after my 2nd baby, I wanted to feel GOOD. I wanted to feel like myself. I didn’t want to wait around and “see what would happen.” I made a decision to take things into my own hands. Instead of letting life control me, I would control my OWN life.
I know 100%, that without Beachbody, I would not have been able to make this type of change. I would have told myself that I would make it to the gym, that I would go on a run before my husband left for work, that I would somehow, someway fit it into my day…but I wouldn’t. I now know that about myself. I now know that I needed something I could do from home. I needed something that could be done quickly. I needed something structured…that told me what to do each day and how to eat better so that I didn’t have to think too much about it. That I could just get it done in 30 minutes, and move on with my day.
I was able to make this change not only with the incredible workout programs and nutrition plans (because they seriously are AMAZING), but even more so because of the community of SUPPORT that I have had to stay on track toward my goals and stay consistent with a healthy lifestyle. I don’t have some “insane level of dedication or motivation.” People message me frequently and tell me that they love my dedication, or they also tell me that they wish they were as motivated as I was. But I’m here to tell you that I’m not any different than anyone else. I love ice cream and pasta just like the rest of us. (and I eat it often lol) I sometimes hate to get my workout in. I am definitely not perfect…not even close. But because of this community…because I stay more accountable for things when I know I will be checking in…because I have the support of like-minded people around me…because I’m the coach and I know I need to lead by example…I have been able to achieve things that I never believed would be possible after two kids.
If you are like me and you WANT to feel good about yourself, but:
-you struggle to fit working out into your busy day, or
-you have become stagnant on your journey toward reaching your goals…
-if you think you could use the extra support of a positive community that values individual progress over competition…
-if you cannot afford an expensive trainer at the gym, but want workouts that are going to get results…
-if you need to improve your nutrition habits or need new ideas to make meals more fun…
then please join me and my group as we MARCH INTO SPRING…with our heads held high. Starting March 6th, we will begin our next group based on making progress toward reaching our goals and feeling more confident than ever going into that spring break season. I don’t know about you, but I have Punta Cana on the calendar, and I want to feel my best!
***Comment below with MARCH INTO SPRING and your email address if you want to join or you would like more details about the group! You can also feel free to email me at gina.notes26 {at} gmail.com ***
Hoping you’re having a fantastic weekend!
Remember this photo? This was me at 38 weeks pregnant, right before my little Luca decided to make his grand entrance! As most of you know, I was active throughout the majority of my pregnancy (aside from some 1st trimester morning sickness days and at the very end, I admit I was starting to lose some mobility!) I did feel a huge difference this time around in regard to my health and fitness compared to my last pregnancy. While I did walk a ton with my son, Nico, I definitely did not do any other strength activity as I did this time around. I managed to complete the entire PiYo program (combo of pilates/yoga), dabbled in some Turbo Jam (dance/kickboxing) and even CIZED it Up (hip hop dance) while 34+ weeks pregnant! It was a lot of fun, and I am so glad I did. I also think it helped me in regard to labor and delivery (which went super smoothly), recovery (which was quick), shedding a lot of baby weight, and being able to jump back into things quickly after.
I suppose that also has something to do with having a toddler. Toddlers do not exactly let you sit around and REST 😉
So combined with a healthy-ish diet, walking around Brooklyn, and chasing my toddler, and nursing my newborn, I was able to shed 20 lbs of baby weight after 6 weeks post-partum.
I was very eager to get active again, and I decided to start with the 21 Day Fix Program that is so well-known and loved in my industry. After seeing challenger after challenger have success with this program and continue a healthy lifestyle going forward, I thought this would be the perfect way to not only kickstart my fitness journey again, but really get my nutrition in check for the long haul. The portion control containers REALLY opened my eyes to what I was eating on a daily basis and what I SHOULD be eating. I did eat well throughout most of my pregnancy…but you know…those pregnancy cravings…
I dove into the 21 Day Fix full force planning out my meals for the week and pressing play every.single.day. I was very determined to stay on track, and I am happy with the end result. I do have to remember that it took me 9 MONTHS to look the way I did when I was carrying Luca, so of course things are not all magically going to go back to normal after 21 days. It’s all about progress, not perfection. But I am happy to say that it’s working, and I am on my way back to my healthy, fit self again.
The “Before” photos were taken 6 weeks post-partum, and the “After” shots were taken on Sunday…21 days later. 4 pounds and 6.25 inches may not seem like a lot to some, but on my short frame, it’s actually quite a lot. And trust me…it was NOT easy for me to share these. Although I live my life on social media…I am still embarrassed and shy about putting something like this out where I don’t necessarily feel comfortable in my own skin just yet. But I think it’s important to show that it is a process, and if you keep at it, you will reach your goals. It’s only been 21 days, and I know this is not a huge transformation, but I still have work to do. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate more ab exercises back in soon (as I have ab separation from my pregnancy and cannot do crunches, etc.) I am planning on doing another round of the 21 Day Fix starting up November 2nd, and I’m already planning out my programs for the new year. Who’s with me? Comment below with your e-mail, and I would be happy to send you more info!
I thought it would be terribly difficult to get my workout in with two little ones and working from home, but all it takes is a commitment. It’s all a mindset, and if you make yourself a priority for 30 minutes each day, you will get it done.
Hope you are all having an awesome week so far!
Can you believe this health & fitness coach does not even own a scale?
“Is she serious?”
Yes, I’m serious.
Does this make me crazy?
I’ve never been a numbers girl, and quite frankly I never really wanted to get hung up on numbers on a scale. In the past 8 years since living on my own, I have only weighed myself at the doctor’s (or occasionally in a friend’s bathroom). In my opinion, it’s about how you look and about how you feel about yourself…not about a number on a scale.
That being said…since I started the 21 Day Fix and my post-pregnancy weight loss journey, I have to admit I am a tad curious about all the work I am putting in here! I am thinking I might cave in and get a scale just to see my end result at the end of the 21 Days.
And I promise not to be one of those people who stresses about checking every day, because like I said before, that is not what is most important. Health & fitness is an overall feeling and a lifestyle, and I do not want a lifestyle where I am obsessively checking my numbers each day. So I will buy a scale (recommendations welcome because I don’t even know where to start), check once, make a note, and tuck it away until further notice…
Curious, how often do you weigh yourself?
Hope you all are having a great week!