Lately I’ve been…
reading Catching up on my Marie Claire reading. The February & March issues are featuring so many spring trends that have me itching for warmer weather.
writing A Birthday card for the hubby. His Birthday is on Tuesday, but we are celebrating this weekend.
listening Swedish House Mafia all day today. Gotta pump myself up for the concert tonight at Madison Square Garden. Can’t believe this is their last tour. Sad face. I scored tix to start off the hubby’s b-day celebration. I’ll leave you with one of my favs: Don’t You Worry Child ft. John Martin
thinking About how much fun this concert is going to be. It’s consuming my mind today!
smelling The yummy bagel with cream cheese that I am about to consume.
watching Don’t hate, but I have been loving the Snooki & JWoww show this season. I mean, how cute is little Lorenzo?!?!
wishing That we hadn’t been woken up at 4am last night with the doorbell ringing from a cab driver that got stiffed by my neighbor. I mean, really?
hoping For positivity and strength to surround my Uncle and help him fight off the sickness he has been faced with at this point in his life. I also hope that my Mom can find equal strength since she has been his rock during this time.
wearing Black leggings with a pink and grey striped top, black and white striped cardigan, studded combat boots, my panda necklace, and my new MAC Candy Yum Yum from my bestie, Nichole! You rock!
loving The fact that we started making friendship bracelets at our last girl’s night on Tuesday. What a trip down memory lane! So fun, but I realize my skills need some brushing up.
laughing At this poor girl who tried to do a hair tutorial. I know it shouldn’t be funny, but it’s kinda funny.
wanting A big cup of coffee from Starbucks. Preferably a Cinnamon Dolce Latte.
needing The winner of my Flair Accessories giveaway to reply back with her shipping information. If I don’t hear from her soon, someone else may become the lucky winner instead.
feeling A bit sleepy due to being woken up last night.
craving This gold Rebecca Minkoff Mini M.A.C. Oh wait…I already bought it. I’m not allowed to crave anything else for awhile…
clicking Through Amazon for some photo paper to print on for class. We are learning to use Camera RAW and Photoshop, so exciting!
What have you been up to lately?
Happy Weekend!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.