Yes, I know you are busy. You’re a mom. So it comes with the territory. Whether you are a stay at home mom, work from home mom, work outside of the home mom, (or maybe you are a mom to a little fur baby). It means you are busy. Busy as hell. You probably barely have time to breathe or shower let alone do laundry, cook dinner, or put on a decent outfit half of the time. Especially you new mamas. You are REALLY busy. Busy trying to figure it all out and understand your new normal. I get it.
We have tiny humans to raise who make us laugh, but stress us out all at the same time. We go from melting into a puddle on the floor at something they said or did to cleaning up puddles on the floor from those things they spilled. We are on the constant shuffle, always on edge of what’s going to happen next, who’s going to throw a tantrum in the store or have a blow out in the car seat. We are constantly late to every event, but you’ll be damned if they miss that sing-a-long on Friday. We are scared to screw up because it’s going to “ruin them forever.” But guess what, we screw up anyway, and they are just fine. We love our children to pieces and would do ANYTHING for them.
But guess what Mamas? YOU are important too. Your health is important. Your sanity is important. Your happiness is important. Because guess what…those children need you around to be healthy, sane, and happy…and that rubs off on them more than you know.
So I am here to let you know that I have created a special group just for YOU. This is that FIRST STEP toward finding that time for yourself again. This is a FREE CHALLENGE group where you can take just a short amount of time out of each day this upcoming week for yourself. To exercise. To eat well. To release those endorphins. To feel happy, healthy, sane…and confident about what you will accomplish by the end of the week.
Starting Monday May 9th, I will be putting together a SIMPLE boot camp style workout circuit that you can do ANYWHERE. No equipment necessary, so whether you are home, traveling on vacation, or you have no other time to get down on your workout except on your office lunch break, this is something you will be able to fit in. It will be simple, but it will also be a challenge. This is a challenge group afterall. But by the end you will be feeling confident and strong! I will also be sharing some simple, yet delicious family friendly healthy recipes.
If you would like to join the group, please comment below with “I’m a busy mama, but I deserve time too!” or email me here to let me know you are IN! So excited for this group, and cannot wait to get started!!!
Make it a great day everyone! 🙂
Have you been wondering about what the heck is the dealio with this Shakeology “stuff” I have been drinking? Are you in need of getting your health and nutrition back on track?
Since I am not yet cleared to get back into exercise just yet, I am going to switch it up this month and run a group based on nutrition and Shakeology! If you have been curious and you are interested in trying out a sampler before making a full monthly investment, then you are a perfect candidate for this group!
I will have all 6 flavors available to ship and try out along with some of my favorite recipes to go along with each flavor. You can also feel free to try out your own recipes and share them with the group.
Why Shakeology? Because it’s a great way to get in all your vitamins, nutrients, and super foods each day. It’s been known to boost your immune system, curb those sweet tooth cravings, lower cholesterol, improve digestion, increase energy levels, help with weight loss, strengthen your hair, skin, and nails…and so much more.
Not only will I be sharing Shakeology recipes in this group, but I will also provide recipes for nutritious meals and tips for healthy, clean eating (because you definitely should not be drinking ALL of your meals!)
Shakeology veterans who are interested in learning new recipes and sharing with the group are also welcome to join!
The group will begin Monday September 21, and I wanted to make sure to give everyone enough time to get their Sampler Packets before starting.
COMMENT below if you want in or MESSAGE me for more information on how to get started, get your sampler pack, and join the group!
Have a great week everyone!
As hard as it is to believe, the summer is almost over, and it’s back to school time soon (or back to working hard for many of us). Vacation mode is nearing a close, and it’s time to get back to business and back to the basics.
Starting with our health and fitness! Had one too many ice cream cones this past August? I know I did. (I’m blaming the baby!) Shrugged off that last morning run because of the heat? Whew! I don’t blame you!
Let’s start FRESH in September!
If the kids are heading to back school, maybe it’s time for mom to spend that extra time to devote to herself? If you are ending travel plans and getting back into the grind at work, maybe it’s the perfect time to get into a better health and fitness routine?
Starting Tuesday September 8th, I am going to be hosting both a 21 Day Fix Challenge & a Mixed Program Group Challenge to get back into gear! It begins the day after Labor Day Weekend ends, which is perfect timing after all the celebrations and boozing I know many of you will partake in. Hey, and maybe even I will too if this baby gets here in time! 😉 Haha.
It will be perfect timing to kick off the fall season and feel healthy again!
The Challenge will include:
-A DVD Fitness Program of Your Choice (which I will help you to choose based on your likes/goals/needs) – most programs are 30 min per day!
-Nutrition Plan
-30 Meals of Shakeology (which is a super healthy drink packed with vitamins, nutrients, and super foods)
-A Spot in my Monthly Health & Fitness Support Group
-Personal Coaching (as much motivation as you need)
-30 Day Trial of Beachbody on Demand (where you can stream workouts via wifi and try out other programs)
Who’s with me?
COMMENT below with your e-mail address or e-mail me at gina.notes26 {at} gmail.com if you would like to chat more!
Let’s make it a great week everyone! 🙂
After a week of preparation, our 5-Day Clean Eating Challenge officially kicks off today! I am so excited to have a fantastic group of challengers with my partner, Karen. Everyone looks like they are off and running, fridges are stocked, and here we GOOOOOOO!
So, what exactly is clean eating? Basically it’s tossing all the JUNK. We have decided to cut out the crap for a week and instead choose foods that are whole, natural, and REAL…without all that processed stuff.
Our group is sharing helpful info and tips for healthy eating, a meal plan, shopping list, and recipes. At the end of the week, I am hoping we all feel healthier, lighter, & more energetic. I can’t think of a better time to start loving your body than right before Valentine’s Day (call me cheesy if you must.)
The fam and I headed out to the grocery store yesterday to stock up on all our clean eats. Here is a pic of my fridge below:
I am truly hoping that this will make me and my fellow challengers more conscious of the food choices we make on a daily basis and instill more of a lifestyle change. As one of my challengers stated, “I can do anything for 5 days, but my goal is to make a permanent change to clean eating.” I couldn’t have said it better myself! What an awesome mindset to have.
Well, as Day 1 kicks off, this was my morning Green Machine Smoothie! I would love to have you join a future clean eating group with me, but in the meantime, here is a sneak peek of one of our recipes this week:
Green Machine Smoothie
1 Cup Almond Milk
1 Cup Spinach (packed)
1 Mashed Banana
6oz Plain Greek Yogurt
1/2 tsp Peanut Butter (I swapped for almond butter)
(I also added) 1 Small Apple
A Few Ice Cubes
*Many challengers swapped for coconut milk, different fruits and nut butters, etc. Smoothies are so versatile which is why I love them dearly!
So excited to start off this week on a happy, healthy note. Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and hope you are staying warm out there! NY is lookin’ pretty icy!
Surprise! The Notes Family is growing!
We are very excited to announce that we will have a new addition to the family on or around August 31 of this year! Yes, that is two days after Nico’s 2nd Birthday. What are the odds?
Now I know I mentioned in a recent post, “I know I’m not pregnant.” I promise I wasn’t lying! I just really didn’t know! Boy did I feel stupid when I found out why I had really gotten sick that day. At least I know it wasn’t because I was that terribly out of shape haha.
Speaking of getting in shape, it’s probably obvious, but I have had to put P90X on hold for awhile, because it’s pretty much the most intense workout ever, and not exactly made for pregnant ladies. Also, my fitness goals have clearly changed. Instead of six-pack abs, I will be looking at a basketball belly here in a few months. However, I’m not going to use this pregnancy as an excuse to “go crazy and eat whatever the heck I want, because I’m going to get fat anyway”. I am going to try my best to stick to a healthy diet (even when I’m nauseous and all I want is crackers), and I have also started on the PiYo workout program, which is pilates and yoga. Much more prego-friendly!
It’s been hard to share what I have been up to lately, because of carrying this big “secret,” so while I am now at 10 weeks during my pregnancy and not quite through the first trimester, I have decided to share our baby news a bit earlier this time around. Mostly because keeping secrets is exhausting (especially now that I have a toddler running around). I’m already exhausted enough! But also, because a post written by a good friend and local neighborhood mom, Sascha, really hit home for me. I support the decision to announce your pregnancy whenever you so desire, but for me…. right now… this is the right time.
If you have been following my blog for awhile now, you know that I lost my first pregnancy with our Little Peanut. When I got pregnant with Nico, I lived a lot of the pregnancy in fear of what could happen. I was constantly scared and anxious that we would somehow lose him too. But getting through the first trimester also isn’t some sort of magic number of weeks that sends you off on a sweet sunset sail toward labor and delivery. I have had many friends lose pregnancies in their second trimesters too. Things happen in life that we have no control over, and as heartbreaking as that is, I felt that even though I know there is the possibility of losing another pregnancy, it wasn’t going to stop me from being happy this time around. No matter what, you will ALWAYS worry about your children. It doesn’t matter how old they are. So I am not willing to let fear stop my happiness. And God-forbid if my family has to go down that dark path again, at least I can be rest assured that I have a supportive network of family and friends around me to get me through. Every life is worth celebrating, and right now I am happy to celebrate the 10 week old growing baby in my belly.
That being said, pregnancy with a toddler is crazy! I’m trying to get through each and every day while exhausted and nauseous. It’s strange to be going through it a second time around. It’s sort of like we’ve gone back in time a bit. Not gonna lie, it’s hard. And I imagine it only gets that much harder once the baby actually arrives! But thinking about Nico being a big brother this summer makes me so excited. He has even started giving the baby kisses (kissing my belly) which just melts my heart. He is the sweetest thing.
We cannot be more thrilled to grow our family, and I am looking forward to sharing my pregnancy journey with you for a second time around.
Hope you are all having a fantastic week!