Lately I’ve been…
reading Just finished the November issue of Marie Claire. Started Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn this morning on the Subway. I have heard so many amazing things about this book, and I cannot wait to get intoxicated by it!
writing I wrote my to-do list at the beginning of the week with tons of chores and errands to be completed since returning from the Thanksgiving holiday. So far, I have been very good at checking things off the list. Hope to check a few more things off tonight before my trip this weekend.
listening Anything and everything on XM’s Channel 51 BPM station. I can’t seem to want to turn the station…ever. Makes me want to dance. Yes, even in the car.
thinking About some different collaborations and blog posts that I may want to do in the future.
smelling My morning coffee…although it is now afternoon.
wishing That I wasn’t going to miss seeing my mother-in-law this weekend when she comes to town. Yes, I actually like my mother-in-law, and we get along wonderfully. Had a blast with her and the rest of the Notes clan over Thanksgiving, and wish I wasn’t going to miss out on her visit to town.
hoping That the Mayans were incorrect and that the world is not actually going to end in three weeks. I still have a lot of bucket list adventures to complete!
wearing Today I’m wearing black skinny jeans, long sleeved black tee with purple/fuchsia sweater dress, combat boots, and a pink skinny headband. On nights out I can’t seem to get enough of my navy peplum top from ASOS that you saw here.
loving The fact that my Christmas tree is finally up! To my utter delight, the deli on Courtelyou got trees this week. We quickly snatched one up and drove it home (wow feels nice to say we didn’t need to cab it home). We then proceeded to trim the tree and decorate the house all while blasting holiday tunes. Keep your eyes peeled for a post complete with photos soon. ‘Tis the season!
wanting A Hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. Okay, so maybe not really. But while most may find this Christmas song obnoxious, I sure do love it! It makes me think of my cousins on Christmas Eve, and obviously I cannot get it out of my head at the moment. Probably because I keep playing it on repeat.
needing Lunch. My tummy is a grumbling. Hmm…I’m getting tired of the same old Murray Hill lunch options. Any one have any favorites in town?
feeling Excited for tomorrow! After work, I will be driving down to Atlantic City to celebrate my cousin, Alex’s, bachelorette! Looking forward to a much need girl’s weekend including my other cousin, Marisa, and my sister, Angela. The Fab Four reunite. Woot woot!
clicking Through a few different animation studios’ websites. Doing some research for potential new clients and new talent.
What have you been up to lately?
Happy Thursday!
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.