*Just a note on this photo. My boys spent the day together at the grocery store on Sunday so I could get some work done. I received this text message while they were gone! Nothing better than knowing my baby is happy and smiling while he is away from me 🙂 Okay, now onto the rest of the post…
Lately I’ve been…
reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. Great for any entrepreneur or entrepreneur in the making.
writing Down my goals for 2015. 1) Get fit and stay healthy. 2) Start a successful business as a Beachbody Fitness Coach. What’s this, you ask? We basically motivate and help others achieve their fitness goals. Happy to share more information with whoever is interested. Please feel free to e-mail or message me! 3) Travel more. So far I have been keeping up with my workouts and doing my best to motivate the challengers I have in my groups thus far. I also have a trip to Tulum, Mexico on the books, so here we go 2015! Bring it on!
listening I’m still singing Christmas music in my head. Is that weird?
thinking As I sit here in my neighborhood cafe working, I have run into three moms I know, and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful community here.
smelling Not much right now. It seems my cold has returned and I’m currently stuffy and drinking loads of hot tea.
watching Maleficent. As an avid Disney fan, this was a must see for me! I was very much impressed with the animation and graphics, and I enjoyed the switch on the storyline from the traditional Sleeping Beauty! It reminded me of the show Wicked in that regard.
wishing Upon a star.
hoping For warmer weather. Oh wait, it’s only January…sigh.
wearing My new Panda sweater. Unfortunately this one is sold out, but this vintage sweater from the 80’s is pretty darn amazing. I’m also wearing a heavy scarf, because this coffee shop I’m in is FREEZING.
loving My new snow boots from my mother-in-law. Thank God for them, because I have already needed to wear them twice this year.
laughing At these doorbell notes from Moms. I can’t believe I haven’t resorted to one of these notes yet! This is real life!
wanting A massage. These workouts are no joke!
needing To go through photos from Nico’s first year and pull out his monthly chair photos to put in a frame. This has been on my to-do list since he turned 1 (he’s now 16.5 months old), and I still haven’t gotten to it. This week is the week!
feeling Sick at the moment. And a bit tired. But happy I still got my workout in this morning.
craving Caffeine.
clicking Through photos of Tulum, Mexico and dreaming of our paradise vacation that is only 43 days away.
What have you been up to lately?
***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.