Transformation Tuesday: Meet Amy

Amy Results Photos

Meet Amy!

Amy is a fellow Brooklyn Mama who I met when both of our oldest sons were born. We have known each other for the past two+ years, and our sons are now going to preschool together. Our younger sons are also around the same age, and it has been so nice to have a friend in the neighborhood who understands what life is like with two boys and going through everything together at the same time!

I was so excited when Amy reached out about joining my next 21 Day Fix group, and with her passion for fitness, I knew she would love it and do fantastic. She has worked so hard, and her results are proof that hard work pays off.

So without future ado…let me introduce Amy!!!


P + P: Tell us about yourself (where you live, family, hobbies, interests, anything else that you would like to include about yourself)

Amy: My family of 4 lives in Kensington, Brooklyn. It’s a small neighborhood by the bottom of Prospect Park. My husband and I have two boys (2 years old and 7 months old). I’m 41. I like to put my age out there. I feel good about where I am in my life and the things I’ve accomplished.

I’ve lived in NYC for 17 years. Initially, I worked in theater, mostly in PR and marketing. I decided to leave my desk jobs and go to beauty school. I started at Arrojo Studio as an assistant 11 years ago and worked my way up to being a Master Colorist/Texture Specialist. I work for an industry leader and have had the opportunity to travel, teach and grow with the company. My work is my passion and I love being creative and helping people look and feel their best. That’s my day job.

My other full time job (my day and night job), is being a mom to my boys. When I’m not at the salon, I’m with my sons. I love the balance of doing both jobs.


P + P: What is your fitness background?

Amy: I lost 35 pounds my senior year of high school and started managing my diet and exercising. At that point, I was hooked and haven’t lost my motivation since. I went to my college’s gym between classes, joined a gym during my first internship and again when I moved to New York. I always made fitness a priority. I took spinning classes, African dance, pilates and even worked out with personal trainers. One trainer was a friend and I worked out with her for over a year. I have always loved weight lifting and cross training. From her, I learned I had to leave my comfort zone to get results. If I thought I could only do 10 pushups, she made me do 15.


P + P: Why did you decide to try the 21 Day Fix?

Amy: Even though I have always been dedicated to working out, I’ve always carried extra weight on my frame. The weight lifting probably made me look even heavier.

I gained 36 pounds carrying my first son. Our birthdays are two days apart and I was determined to get back in shape for my 40 birthday and his 1st. I did it, and I felt great even though I was already pregnant again. I never got to enjoy my fit self because I gained 30 pounds carrying my second son. When he was 4 months old, I saw a picture of Gina after she completed her first round of the 21 Day Fix and realized I wasn’t nursing my way into skinny jeans.   I said to my husband, “I just want to lose 4 pounds. That’s it and I’ll be happy.”

I contacted Gina, bought the 21 Day Fix program and Shakeology and joined her challenge group. I lost 6 pounds the first round.

Since then, I’ve completed 2 more fitness challenges and I’ve lost another 6 pounds (for a total of 12 pounds) and have my muscle and definition back.


P + P:  What about the program worked for you? What did you like about it? 

Amy: The program is easy to follow. The color coded containers make sense and I don’t feel limited since there are a huge list of food I can choose from. I also started cooking which has been a win for the whole family.

I love the 30 minute workouts. It’s a manageable amount of time when I’m home with my kids. I don’t have to go to a gym to get in shape. I have a yoga mat and weights at home and the 21 Day Fix workout videos make me feel like I’m part of the class. The first time I did a video I could barely make it through, now I’m taking on the 21 Day EXTREME workout for my next round.


P + P: What was tough or challenging for you? (particular workouts? sticking to nutrition? anything else?)

Amy: The controlled portion sizes are my biggest challenge. I had a decent diet before: No processed foods but I ate out a lot, I’d order in, sometimes have a beer with dinner and probably ate twice the portion than I needed.

The clean eating came easily, but eating smaller amounts were very difficult. I found it hard to resist snacks, especially my kid’s snacks. Why are bunny crackers so appealing?


P + P: 12 pounds and 6 inches from your waist is an incredible accomplishment! How did you stay motivated for those 63 days?

Amy: When I started, I wanted to fit back into my old clothes and feel better. After the first round, I looked so different I wanted to keep going. I wanted to look good, but the potential for looking GREAT was so close.

Friends and co-workers started noticing and everyone was enthusiastic and supportive. The 21 Day Fix became fun, like a fitness game.


P + P: How do you feel today and what are your goals moving forward? 

Amy: I feel completely different than I did before I started the program. I’m fit, feel healthy and I have energy again. The kind of energy I use to have before having kids. At 41, I never thought that was possible. I assumed people just get more tired as they get older but that’s just not true. Doing this program showed me that if I want it, I can make it happen. I put in the effort and I got the result.

Another thing that still surprises me is how much support I am receiving on my health and fitness journey. My husband, friends and co-workers are cheering for me and I inspired them to change themselves. I’ve learned how gratifying it is to lead others as they get fit. It’s the ultimate way to pay it forward and that’s why I became a coach.


I am so incredibly proud of Amy for her hard work and dedication. As a brand new coach, she has already inspired 9 new people to start their own fitness journey. It’s clear that whatever challenge Amy takes on in life, she goes at it full-on…whether it’s as a Master Colorist/Texture Specialist, a Mama of two, or a Fitness Coach, Amy does it well and with great success! Thank you so much, Amy, for sharing your story here with us!

Hope you are all having a great week so far. It’s been unusually nice outside for February after we just had a major snow storm, but I’m certainly not complaining!!!



Three Hobbies


I found this quote on Pinterest the other week, and it really got me thinking. Aside from love and family (because I think PEOPLE and relationships are #1 in my life ALWAYS), these three things are so vital for our day to day:

1) We need money to pay the bills, simple as that and then extra money is always great for the finer things in life (which for me is traveling the world and delicious food)

2) We need our health…not only does staying in shape help us to live longer, but it helps us stay energized and more focused throughout our day.

3) We need to feel creative and to feel a PASSION for something. To make things, build, expand…it’s in our human nature to create.

Now, I loved this quote because wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had hobbies to check off these necessities in our lives? But I thought “wait a minute…it doesn’t have to be THREE different hobbies…”*

Because since having started as a fitness coach…I have all of that in ONE!

*I make an income helping people get healthy, keeping them on track to reach their goals on a daily basis by providing motivation and support for not only the physical health of my challengers, but also their overall happiness, positivity, and confidence. On top of that, I help a team of coaches build their own businesses to reach financial freedom.

*Working out each day is part of my job. While I may not always want to roll out of bed and get my workout done each morning, I know that if and when I do, I will be so happy that I did and feel so much better for doing it.

*Each day I am building my creativity by coming up with fun posts to share with my challengers, growing my social media and challenging people to become better versions of themselves.

—BEST of all??? I can do this while staying at home with my two small children. I love my job. But I also love my job as a MOM, and with this opportunity, I didn’t have to choose. I could do BOTH 🙂

My team is opening up the curtain next Monday January 25th to show you what it’s like in the day of an online fitness coach. We will show you what it takes to build your own business (no matter how great or small), what our days are like, how we make money, and what your potential can be.

If YOU have been looking for MORE in this new year and want to find that SOMETHING that gives you PASSION and makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, then come take a look and see what it’s all about. No pressure, just a place to learn 🙂

***If you want to learn more, please fill out the short application linked below! I will respond back and we can connect as to whether or not this would be a good fit for you!***


Make it a Happy Day!





“a vivid mental image, especially a fanciful one of the future”

We all have vision in some way, shape or form…a view inside our minds of how we want the future to look. We can’t predict the future, but we CAN envision it. Many times our vision can get cloudy. We forget WHY we are doing something or where we want to go. We get distracted by the many things in life pulling us in different directions. Sometimes we aren’t quite sure where we want to go…and we really need to sit down and think about what it is that we want or how it is that we can get there.

This is an exercise that a year ago I would have laughed at if someone told me I should do it. I didn’t really understand the value in it, thought it was a little bit silly, and even a waste of my precious time.  But I have come to appreciate the value in SEEING my vision and putting it down on paper (or on electronic paper in this case…although I do recommend printing it out and putting it where you can see it each day!) By having a physical copy of my vision there is no chance I will forget those goals I have set for myself…no way that I can get lost in the shuffle of the day to day and let my vision get left behind in the fog.

At first it was scary mapping out this vision…even writing this now, I am scared to hit the publish button. Who the hell do I think I am to achieve this? Will people think I’m crazy? Will they laugh at me? Will they think there is no way she will be able to do that in a year? WHAT IF I FAIL????

But the more I think about it…it doesn’t matter what other people think. This is my journey and my life, and I only have one…so why not DREAM BIG and make the most of each moment. And while I will work my tush off to achieve this vision…so what if I don’t quite get there this year? It’s all about the journey and growing as a person at the end of the day right?

So…here goes…(deep breath)…my VISION BOARD for 2016.

2016 Vision Board

May you set out to reach YOUR full potential this year, and may your vision become your reality. Believe in yourself and believe that anything is possible. That’s my motto for this year, and I’m stickin’ to it! 😉



Transformation Tuesday: 21 Day Fix Round 2

21DF Results Compare Side

Transformation Tuesday!

During my 2nd Round of the 21 Day Fix I lost 2 more pounds and 5.25 more inches. So from Day 1 to Day 42, I lost a total of 6 lbs and 12 inches.

It may not seem like much in terms of weight, but my photos show that you can’t just go by the scale! You can really see a difference (at least I think so) in the before/after shots. I can also definitely feel things have changed in the way my clothes fit. Those pre-pregnancy jeans are now feeling comfortable and not so super tight.

My journey is not over, but I am making progress and that’s what counts! It took me 9 months to carry that little baby to term, and it has only been 3 months postpartum. So I am feeling good and happy and strong with where I am today.

I indulged a little more than I had planned over the Thanksgiving holiday, but hey…that’s also part of why I’m working so hard right? To enjoy! Plus Round 3 started yesterday, and I am back on track for the month of December! Going to be hard to fight off some of those holiday temptations, but the best part about this plan is that it allows some treats! 🙂

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I am SO incredibly grateful and thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for all of you lovely readers who keep coming back here each day. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!



Namaste November


Happy Monday!!!

It’s FREE Challenge Group time!!! And this month, I am going to mix things up a bit with a NAMASTE NOVEMBER CHALLENGE!

Many of us have a LOT of stress coming up with the holidays…lots of parties to prep and plan for, lots of unhealthy comfort foods at every event, holiday shopping, decorating, you name it. I wanted to take this next week prior to all the craziness to just DECOMPRESS and CHILL OUT a bit.

Join me starting November 16th for a YOGA inspired challenge where we will come together for some low impact exercise, inspiration, healthy festive recipes, and tips for how to carve out time for physical and mental wellness during the chaos of the holiday season.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy or even if this is something brand new and outside the box for you, I would love to include you! Simply comment below with your e-mail address or e-mail me at It’s going to be a fun week and will hopefully allow us to enter the holiday season this year with a little less crazy.




Homemade Apple Butter


After our recent trip to Fishkill Farms, I knew that this was going to be the perfect opportunity to finally make homemade apple butter this season. With fresh organic apples from the farm and a recipe from Skinnytaste, I decided to spend a Sunday afternoon making this delicious spread that reminds me of my childhood days. I was nervous with how it was going to turn out, but I have to say, it was pretty spot on!


  • 6 large apples, peeled, cored, finely chopped (honeycrisp, gala, ambrosia) – *I used a couple extra apples and the apple type was whatever we found at the farm
  • 1/3 cup raw sugar
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar, not packed
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp allspice
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg – *For all the spices, I had an Apple Pie spice that I used instead which had these ingredients


Place the apples in a slow cooker. Top with sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg and mix well. Cover and cook high 5 hours, or low 10 hours, stirring once halfway, until the apples are tender and dark brown.

Uncover and puree with an immersion blender. *(I do not own an immersion blender, so I actually had to spoon it out and blend it in my regular blender…not really recommended, as it’s hot and this is a difficult procedure! However, it got the job done.) Cook on high uncovered 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until thickened.

Spoon into jars or containers, cover and refrigerate.

Makes 2 cups.

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Nico has been enjoying peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches for lunch as I did as a child, and he absolutely loves it! I have enjoyed some on toast as well. If you have other great ideas for how to enjoy apple butter, please share!

Hope you all had a fantastic Halloween last night. My boys dressed up as Curious George (Nico) and the Man in the Yellow Hat (hubby). Luca was a skeleton (with a pumpkin hat), and I was a panda (naturally). We enjoyed our neighborhood Halloween Parade, which was fabulous, and then took off for some Trick or Treating. Nico had his first candy this year, and had no idea what to do with a lollipop. It was a pretty funny experience to say the least. We let him have a few pieces…and then my husband and I had a few too many pieces…and now I need to GET IT ALL OUT OF MY HOUSE!

21 Day Fix Round 2 starts tomorrow as well as my Thankful for Fitness Challenge Group, and it’s healthy eating and living from here on out so that I am going into the holidays feeling happy, healthy, and strong.

Who’s with me?

Happy Sunday!



Transformation Tuesday: 21 Day Fix Post-Pregnancy


Remember this photo? This was me at 38 weeks pregnant, right before my little Luca decided to make his grand entrance! As most of you know, I was active throughout the majority of my pregnancy (aside from some 1st trimester morning sickness days and at the very end, I admit I was starting to lose some mobility!) I did feel a huge difference this time around in regard to my health and fitness compared to my last pregnancy. While I did walk a ton with my son, Nico, I definitely did not do any other strength activity as I did this time around. I managed to complete the entire PiYo program (combo of pilates/yoga), dabbled in some Turbo Jam (dance/kickboxing) and even CIZED it Up (hip hop dance) while 34+ weeks pregnant! It was a lot of fun, and I am so glad I did. I also think it helped me in regard to labor and delivery (which went super smoothly), recovery (which was quick), shedding a lot of baby weight, and being able to jump back into things quickly after.

I suppose that also has something to do with having a toddler. Toddlers do not exactly let you sit around and REST 😉

So combined with a healthy-ish diet, walking around Brooklyn, and chasing my toddler, and nursing my newborn, I was able to shed 20 lbs of baby weight after 6 weeks post-partum.

I was very eager to get active again, and I decided to start with the 21 Day Fix Program that is so well-known and loved in my industry. After seeing challenger after challenger have success with this program and continue a healthy lifestyle going forward, I thought this would be the perfect way to not only kickstart my fitness journey again, but really get my nutrition in check for the long haul. The portion control containers REALLY opened my eyes to what I was eating on a daily basis and what I SHOULD be eating. I did eat well throughout most of my pregnancy…but you know…those pregnancy cravings…

I dove into the 21 Day Fix full force planning out my meals for the week and pressing play I was very determined to stay on track, and I am happy with the end result. I do have to remember that it took me 9 MONTHS to look the way I did when I was carrying Luca, so of course things are not all magically going to go back to normal after 21 days. It’s all about progress, not perfection. But I am happy to say that it’s working, and I am on my way back to my healthy, fit self again.

21DF Oct 5 Before After Front

21 DF Oct Before After Side

The “Before” photos were taken 6 weeks post-partum, and the “After” shots were taken on Sunday…21 days later. 4 pounds and 6.25 inches may not seem like a lot to some, but on my short frame, it’s actually quite a lot. And trust me…it was NOT easy for me to share these. Although I live my life on social media…I am still embarrassed and shy about putting something like this out where I don’t necessarily feel comfortable in my own skin just yet. But I think it’s important to show that it is a process, and if you keep at it, you will reach your goals. It’s only been 21 days, and I know this is not a huge transformation, but I still have work to do. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate more ab exercises back in soon (as I have ab separation from my pregnancy and cannot do crunches, etc.) I am planning on doing another round of the 21 Day Fix starting up November 2nd, and I’m already planning out my programs for the new year.  Who’s with me? Comment below with your e-mail, and I would be happy to send you more info!

I thought it would be terribly difficult to get my workout in with two little ones and working from home, but all it takes is a commitment. It’s all a mindset, and if you make yourself a priority for 30 minutes each day, you will get it done.

Hope you are all having an awesome week so far!



Numbers on a Scale

yes...i'm being serious...

Can you believe this health & fitness coach does not even own a scale?

“Is she serious?”

Yes, I’m serious.

Does this make me crazy?

I’ve never been a numbers girl, and quite frankly I never really wanted to get hung up on numbers on a scale. In the past 8 years since living on my own, I have only weighed myself at the doctor’s (or occasionally in a friend’s bathroom). In my opinion, it’s about how you look and about how you feel about yourself…not about a number on a scale.

That being said…since I started the 21 Day Fix and my post-pregnancy weight loss journey, I have to admit I am a tad curious about all the work I am putting in here! I am thinking I might cave in and get a scale just to see my end result at the end of the 21 Days.

And I promise not to be one of those people who stresses about checking every day, because like I said before, that is not what is most important. Health & fitness is an overall feeling and a lifestyle, and I do not want a lifestyle where I am obsessively checking my numbers each day. So I will buy a scale (recommendations welcome because I don’t even know where to start), check once, make a note, and tuck it away until further notice…

Curious, how often do you weigh yourself?

Hope you all are having a great week!



Zucchini Chips


When Autumn Calabrese, creator of the 21 Day Fix, came out with her new cookbook, FIXATE, I just knew that I had to get my hands on that! I am not typically a cookbook person. I have a bunch, and then totally forget to use them. I usually end up looking up recipes on Pinterest or somewhere else online. However, this cookbook was different! Not only are the recipes super easy to make, they are also extremely healthy…AND the best part is that it’s perfect for those following the 21 Day Fix plan. Autumn lays out exactly which color coded containers she uses for each recipe along with other nutritional information.

Since I have been demoted to sous chef in my household (not due to terrible cooking, mind you…but due to childcare duties and hence lack of a desire to cook on my part these days), my husband took on this recipe for Zucchini Chips, and I have to say they were bomb diggity! Yes, I just said that…sorry I’m a child of the 90’s 😉 We will definitely be making these bad boys again…and you know, maybe I will even make them myself next time around!


2 Large Zucchini, very thinly sliced

1 Tbsp. Olive Oil

1/2 tsp. Sea Salt (or Himalayan Salt)


  1. Preheat oven to 225 degrees F
  2. Place zucchini slices in one layer between paper towels to help draw out liquid.
  3. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
  4. Place zucchini slices on prepared baking sheets.
  5. Brush zucchini with oil; sprinkle with salt.
  6. Bake for 2 hours, or until golden brown and crispy.
  7. Cool completely before serving.

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We had our first family road trip to Maryland this past weekend as a family of four. It was definitely challenging, but we survived! It was wonderful to celebrate two of my best friends as one is expecting her first child and the other is getting married very soon! We have all been friends since high school, and it’s amazing how close we still are even after so much time has passed.

I hope you are all enjoying the week so far and embracing the fall!



Best of Both Worlds

best of both worlds

What kind of life do you desire for yourself?

I find that as I get older and time goes on, my priorities have changed. In my twenties, I may have been fine with working late hours, meeting up with friends for an after work drink, crashing late, and doing it all over again the next day.

But now as a mom of two kids, I want to be here to tuck my kids into bed at night, read them stories, and snuggle them to sleep.

Previously, I was okay with a long subway commute. I used it as an excuse to get lots of reading done and was proud at how many books I could finish underground. Now, I do not want to spend a total of 3 hours per day commuting, because that means 15 hours a week extra that I would be spending away from my kiddos on top of a long work day.

My family has become my priority these days. I love being a mom…the good, the bad, and the ugly. The lack of sleep and toddler tantrums have nothing on those newborn snuggles and those slobbery toddler kisses.

That being said…I never saw myself as a stay at home mom. My mom worked hard outside of the home each and every day, and I figured I would follow in those footsteps. I studied hard in school and had dreams of a future and career that involved television and movies and sports and more. I wanted to be successful in my own right, and never have to rely on someone else to pay my bills. Not that those who are stay at home moms are not successful. It’s the hands down HARDEST job I have ever had to date! And I give props to every single stay at home mom out there, because having and raising kids on a daily basis IS definitely success in my book.

But the difference between then and now is that I didn’t realize then that I could be FINANCIALLY successful AND be a stay at home mom at the same time. I could own a business, work from home, AND spend my days raising my children the way I see fit. The best of both worlds in my mind.

Now, I’m not saying that it’s easy. I work HARD…both as a mom and as an entrepreneur. And some days I still feel like I am not quite measuring up in either category…because let’s face it…as mom you never feel like you are doing everything right…I am only human, and I can only do so much and yes, it’s HARD to work from home when you have a toddler…and now with a newborn, it’s even more crazy. But I am making it work, because it’s what’s best for ME and what’s best for my family. I am getting to fulfill something that I always wanted to do by having my own business and creating my own success…and I am not missing out on those opportunities to see my children grow.

The best part is that I have the FREEDOM to work when and how I want. I am able to create my own schedule and hours. I am helping others to reach their goals not only in health and fitness, but by teaching others to build their OWN business as well.

This opportunity is not exclusive to me. Have you ever thought about being a fitness coach? What about being home with your kids more? Or having the freedom to work from wherever you want? Or to stop stressing about money on the regular?

If so, I would love to invite you to join me and Team SPARK on Monday September 28th as we host a sneak peek into our business and share what is that we do on a daily basis. We are looking for 5 hard working, creative, and intelligent individuals who are looking to create more freedom for themselves or for their families. If you have any interest at all in learning more, please comment below and fill out this application to save your spot in our 3 Day Coach Open House group!

Hope you are having a great week!

