3 Week Yoga Retreat

Like music? Like working out? Like listening to music WHILE working out?!?!
Then THIS is the challenge for you!!!
Join some of the top coaches on Team SPARK! July 18th for Jam Out July!!! This FREE 5 Day Health + Fitness Challenge will incorporate a summer jam for each workout on each day of the week. You can listen to the song once for a quick mini workout, play the song on repeat for more of a challenge, or string them all together at the end of the week to pump up that jam!
We will also be sharing healthy recipes and tips for summer fun! Should be a good time, and you won’t want to miss this one!
Comment below with your email address to JOIN the fun or reach out to me for more details!
gina.notes26 {at} gmail.com
Cannot WAIT!
You know that lady in your family who gives hugs and smooches and then leaves evidence of said smooch all over everyone?
“Oh I guess you said hello to Aunt so and so, because you have lipstick on your cheek.”
Yeah, that’s me. My poor kids have lipstick smooches on them regularly. So when Suzie suggested I should try out Younique’s Stiff Upper Lip Stain, I figured I would give it a shot! I love a new lip color and had never before tried a stain, so I was pretty excited to check it out. I chose the “Sleek” color for the winter season, and I also think it will be great once fall arrives.
Below are my before photos with a naked lip.
And on the contrary…POP! The Sleek Stiff Upper Lip Stain in action. It’s bold and beautiful. I just love the richness of the color. Since I had never used a stain before, the texture was a little more fluid than I was expecting. I suppose I was thinking it would be like a gloss? But that was definitely not the case. I realized you have to let it dry and that two coats works the best! I was SUPER impressed with the fact that it stayed on ALL day without reapplication, and my kid’s faces were not covered in lipstick by the end of the day. I would definitely recommend trying it out, and it also comes in a variety of colors if dark and bold is not your jam.
This was the first Younique beauty product I have tried, but it looks like I will need to check out some more! Many thanks to Suzie for this great pick!
Hope you are all having a great week so far. We are getting back into our groove from the Easter holiday. We traveled to Maryland so this week has been all about grocery shopping, laundry, paying bills, and cleaning the house. Ohhhh adulting. Trying out lip stains is much more fun! 😉
But in all seriousness, I cannot even believe March is almost over and we will be into April in no time. This year is flying by and the boys are growing way too fast. Luca is already 7 months old, and Nico over 2.5 already. Where does the time go? I am finishing up P90X3 this week, and feeling stronger than ever. I have been absolutely loving it, but I DO feel as if I have let my nutrition slip just a bit in the past couple months. SO I am taking measures to the EXTREME with 21 Day Fix Extreme next month to get back on track…eeeep! I’m a little nervous, but I am up for the challenge.
Also looking forward to warmer days and more long walks and days on the playground with my boys. Bring on the spring!
Transformation Tuesday!
During my 2nd Round of the 21 Day Fix I lost 2 more pounds and 5.25 more inches. So from Day 1 to Day 42, I lost a total of 6 lbs and 12 inches.
It may not seem like much in terms of weight, but my photos show that you can’t just go by the scale! You can really see a difference (at least I think so) in the before/after shots. I can also definitely feel things have changed in the way my clothes fit. Those pre-pregnancy jeans are now feeling comfortable and not so super tight.
My journey is not over, but I am making progress and that’s what counts! It took me 9 months to carry that little baby to term, and it has only been 3 months postpartum. So I am feeling good and happy and strong with where I am today.
I indulged a little more than I had planned over the Thanksgiving holiday, but hey…that’s also part of why I’m working so hard right? To enjoy! Plus Round 3 started yesterday, and I am back on track for the month of December! Going to be hard to fight off some of those holiday temptations, but the best part about this plan is that it allows some treats! 🙂
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I am SO incredibly grateful and thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for all of you lovely readers who keep coming back here each day. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
After our recent trip to Fishkill Farms, I knew that this was going to be the perfect opportunity to finally make homemade apple butter this season. With fresh organic apples from the farm and a recipe from Skinnytaste, I decided to spend a Sunday afternoon making this delicious spread that reminds me of my childhood days. I was nervous with how it was going to turn out, but I have to say, it was pretty spot on!
Place the apples in a slow cooker. Top with sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg and mix well. Cover and cook high 5 hours, or low 10 hours, stirring once halfway, until the apples are tender and dark brown.
Uncover and puree with an immersion blender. *(I do not own an immersion blender, so I actually had to spoon it out and blend it in my regular blender…not really recommended, as it’s hot and this is a difficult procedure! However, it got the job done.) Cook on high uncovered 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until thickened.
Spoon into jars or containers, cover and refrigerate.
Makes 2 cups.
Nico has been enjoying peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches for lunch as I did as a child, and he absolutely loves it! I have enjoyed some on toast as well. If you have other great ideas for how to enjoy apple butter, please share!
Hope you all had a fantastic Halloween last night. My boys dressed up as Curious George (Nico) and the Man in the Yellow Hat (hubby). Luca was a skeleton (with a pumpkin hat), and I was a panda (naturally). We enjoyed our neighborhood Halloween Parade, which was fabulous, and then took off for some Trick or Treating. Nico had his first candy this year, and had no idea what to do with a lollipop. It was a pretty funny experience to say the least. We let him have a few pieces…and then my husband and I had a few too many pieces…and now I need to GET IT ALL OUT OF MY HOUSE!
21 Day Fix Round 2 starts tomorrow as well as my Thankful for Fitness Challenge Group, and it’s healthy eating and living from here on out so that I am going into the holidays feeling happy, healthy, and strong.
Who’s with me?
Happy Sunday!
Can you believe this health & fitness coach does not even own a scale?
“Is she serious?”
Yes, I’m serious.
Does this make me crazy?
I’ve never been a numbers girl, and quite frankly I never really wanted to get hung up on numbers on a scale. In the past 8 years since living on my own, I have only weighed myself at the doctor’s (or occasionally in a friend’s bathroom). In my opinion, it’s about how you look and about how you feel about yourself…not about a number on a scale.
That being said…since I started the 21 Day Fix and my post-pregnancy weight loss journey, I have to admit I am a tad curious about all the work I am putting in here! I am thinking I might cave in and get a scale just to see my end result at the end of the 21 Days.
And I promise not to be one of those people who stresses about checking every day, because like I said before, that is not what is most important. Health & fitness is an overall feeling and a lifestyle, and I do not want a lifestyle where I am obsessively checking my numbers each day. So I will buy a scale (recommendations welcome because I don’t even know where to start), check once, make a note, and tuck it away until further notice…
Curious, how often do you weigh yourself?
Hope you all are having a great week!
What kind of life do you desire for yourself?
I find that as I get older and time goes on, my priorities have changed. In my twenties, I may have been fine with working late hours, meeting up with friends for an after work drink, crashing late, and doing it all over again the next day.
But now as a mom of two kids, I want to be here to tuck my kids into bed at night, read them stories, and snuggle them to sleep.
Previously, I was okay with a long subway commute. I used it as an excuse to get lots of reading done and was proud at how many books I could finish underground. Now, I do not want to spend a total of 3 hours per day commuting, because that means 15 hours a week extra that I would be spending away from my kiddos on top of a long work day.
My family has become my priority these days. I love being a mom…the good, the bad, and the ugly. The lack of sleep and toddler tantrums have nothing on those newborn snuggles and those slobbery toddler kisses.
That being said…I never saw myself as a stay at home mom. My mom worked hard outside of the home each and every day, and I figured I would follow in those footsteps. I studied hard in school and had dreams of a future and career that involved television and movies and sports and more. I wanted to be successful in my own right, and never have to rely on someone else to pay my bills. Not that those who are stay at home moms are not successful. It’s the hands down HARDEST job I have ever had to date! And I give props to every single stay at home mom out there, because having and raising kids on a daily basis IS definitely success in my book.
But the difference between then and now is that I didn’t realize then that I could be FINANCIALLY successful AND be a stay at home mom at the same time. I could own a business, work from home, AND spend my days raising my children the way I see fit. The best of both worlds in my mind.
Now, I’m not saying that it’s easy. I work HARD…both as a mom and as an entrepreneur. And some days I still feel like I am not quite measuring up in either category…because let’s face it…as mom you never feel like you are doing everything right…I am only human, and I can only do so much and yes, it’s HARD to work from home when you have a toddler…and now with a newborn, it’s even more crazy. But I am making it work, because it’s what’s best for ME and what’s best for my family. I am getting to fulfill something that I always wanted to do by having my own business and creating my own success…and I am not missing out on those opportunities to see my children grow.
The best part is that I have the FREEDOM to work when and how I want. I am able to create my own schedule and hours. I am helping others to reach their goals not only in health and fitness, but by teaching others to build their OWN business as well.
This opportunity is not exclusive to me. Have you ever thought about being a fitness coach? What about being home with your kids more? Or having the freedom to work from wherever you want? Or to stop stressing about money on the regular?
If so, I would love to invite you to join me and Team SPARK on Monday September 28th as we host a sneak peek into our business and share what is that we do on a daily basis. We are looking for 5 hard working, creative, and intelligent individuals who are looking to create more freedom for themselves or for their families. If you have any interest at all in learning more, please comment below and fill out this application to save your spot in our 3 Day Coach Open House group!
Hope you are having a great week!
Meet Caitlin!!!
She joined my Challenge group in May of this year, and dove right into the fitness and nutrition plan for P90X3. I met Caitlin in high school back in Maryland (her brother was in my class), and she was always active and fit. However, as many of us women know, having a baby can take a toll on our bodies. She has a beautiful baby boy to show for it, but Caitlin was eager to get her post-baby body back. Plus, working as a pastry chef, it was hard for her to keep her hand out of the cookie jar if you will. I don’t blame her! I was so happy to have her join my group. She worked so hard, and has incredible results to show for us and has adopted a healthy lifestyle for herself and for her family.
Okay enough chatter from me…let me introduce you to Caitlin and let her tell you about her journey herself!
P+P: Tell us about yourself (where you live, family, hobbies, interests, anything else that you would like to include about yourself)
Caitlin (continued):
I have had such amazing results that I am now officially addicted! I jumped right into the 21 Day Fix and have plans on doing another program set to come out in December. I also am going to start training for the Baltimore Half Marathon in October (YIKES!)! I know what exercise, nutrition, and support has done for me, so I want to share that with others. It was pretty much a no brainer when you approached me about the coaching opportunity! I was already doing the workouts and working hard on the nutrition and I LOVED the challenge groups. So the transition into actually helping others do it was so easy! I have always loved to help and inspire others in any way that I can. Becoming a coach just gave me that opportunity.It also help hold me accountable! How can I help others if I am not doing it!? It was all the more reason to become a coach. I also had major support from my husband who knew this was something I wanted and something I would be good at! My son played a major role in my future as well. I want to be able to stay home with him but still provide financially for the family! Becoming a Beachbody Coach has me on the path to that lifestyle – all while keeping me healthy (and my family!) My future is filled with helping others and maintaining this healthy lifestyle – this isn’t a fad, its not a quick fix – it is hard work that I have made in to long lasting habits and I want to help as many people as I can do the same!
I am so proud of Caitlin and all the hard work she has put into creating a better life for herself physically, mentally, and financially. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! I am excited to see what you accomplish for yourself and your family in the next year, and I know you will help and inspire so many others along the way!
Hope you are all having a great week so far. I am on Day 2 of being on my own with my two boys. So far, it’s going pretty well! I am surprised I have actually been productive. I was able to get out of the house two days in a row, get Nico down for his naps, get 2-3 hours of work done each day, and not have the house be a complete disaster upon Zack’s return home. #winning! Beginner’s luck? We shall see how long it lasts 😉
Have you been wondering about what the heck is the dealio with this Shakeology “stuff” I have been drinking? Are you in need of getting your health and nutrition back on track?
Since I am not yet cleared to get back into exercise just yet, I am going to switch it up this month and run a group based on nutrition and Shakeology! If you have been curious and you are interested in trying out a sampler before making a full monthly investment, then you are a perfect candidate for this group!
I will have all 6 flavors available to ship and try out along with some of my favorite recipes to go along with each flavor. You can also feel free to try out your own recipes and share them with the group.
Why Shakeology? Because it’s a great way to get in all your vitamins, nutrients, and super foods each day. It’s been known to boost your immune system, curb those sweet tooth cravings, lower cholesterol, improve digestion, increase energy levels, help with weight loss, strengthen your hair, skin, and nails…and so much more.
Not only will I be sharing Shakeology recipes in this group, but I will also provide recipes for nutritious meals and tips for healthy, clean eating (because you definitely should not be drinking ALL of your meals!)
Shakeology veterans who are interested in learning new recipes and sharing with the group are also welcome to join!
The group will begin Monday September 21, and I wanted to make sure to give everyone enough time to get their Sampler Packets before starting.
COMMENT below if you want in or MESSAGE me for more information on how to get started, get your sampler pack, and join the group!
Have a great week everyone!
Lately I’ve been…
reading Been reading a bunch of books at once these days. Tag teaming a business book and a fun book. Just finished Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. It’s a great read for anyone who works in the social media industry or just has a general interest in social media. I am also reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult as something lighter and non-business related for summertime. And lastly, planning on beginning to read Start With Why by Simon Sinek this week about how great leaders inspire people to take action.
writing Thank you cards for everyone who attended Nico’s 2nd Birthday Party and for those who have showered our 2nd baby boy with goodies as well. We are very lucky to have such great family and friends.
listening Inspirational Podcasts. Here is a good list for entrepreneurs. Do you have a good one to add to the list?
thinking I can’t believe it’s almost time to have this baby! And that I am going to be surrounded by BOYS!
smelling BBQ Chicken my hubby made for dinner. So delish!
watching The Real Housewives of Orange County and New York. Yes. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Hey, every girl needs a little trashy TV downtime.
wishing For a smooth labor and delivery. And for my water to break at home or at the hospital and not in some crazy public place.
hoping That being said…hoping that baby comes before they decide I need to be induced like my last pregnancy! Grow baby, grow!
wearing Leggings, maternity shorts, stretchy tanks and maternity tops, maxi dresses. Anything that isn’t extremely hot to wear and that I can still walk around in. There is a reason you haven’t seen a fashion post up lately haha…there’s not much to report these days! Comfort is key to maternity survival in this heat!
loving My new redecorated and cleaned out office space in my sunroom. Looking for more prints to hang and still need to install the knobs on the desk (which came today, yay!), and some curtains, but I am excited!
wanting To try some recipes in the new cookbook, FIXATE, by Autumn Calabrese! They look so good!
needing To keep walking! Exercise is getting a little tougher these days as I hit the 38 week mark of my pregnancy yesterday, but trying to keep things moving, and hopefully that will help this baby arrive soon.
feeling Like I have to pee constantly. TMI? Sorry, just keepin’ it real over here.
craving Chocolate. Chocolate. More Chocolate. If you know me, you know I generally crave fruitier desserts, but for some reason, I am all about that chocolate in the past couple weeks. Baby has a sweet tooth!
clicking Through Etsy for office wall art
What have you been up to lately?